In These New Times

A new paradigm for a post-imperial world

Posts Tagged ‘NATO expansion’

NATO declares China as global security challenge

Posted by seumasach on June 17, 2021


Indian Punchline

16th June, 2021

The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) summit in Brussels on Monday reminds us once again of what a hoax the United States had perpetrated on the former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev in 1990 by assuring him that the western alliance would expand “not one inch eastward” once Moscow allowed German Unification and disbanded the Warsaw Pact.

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Why a Yalta II ?

Posted by seumasach on June 15, 2021

It would appear that subsequent to the G8 summit, Global Britain is dead in the water. The draught of the New Atlantic Charter signed by Biden does not correspond to the joint statement, the former affirming only NATO as the instrument of the New World Order whereas the latter reaffirms the centrality of the UN. Biden failed to mention the New Atlantic Charter in his press conference. He also pushed the British back towards the EU whereas the Britain seeks to remain outside subordinating it to NATO, creating a military block to counter the Russians just as proposed by Churchill. At the following NATO summit India was not mentioned as a prospective NATO partner. Johnson, following Churchill in 1945, sought to attain decisive influence over Washington, empower a United Europe against Russia and reinforce the British Empire, in today’s terms, to extend NATO to include India and Australia. None of these goals looks achievable.

Thierry Meyssan


15th June, 2021

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NATO Summit: Confronting China, Russia, and the World

Posted by seumasach on June 15, 2021

The failure to mention India as a “partner” is excellent news suggesting that the “Asian NATO” project is dead in the water. Perhaps that is also why China is being less targeted?

Rick Rozoff


14th June, 2021

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization ended its summit in Brussels on June 14 and issued a communiqué listing achievements since the last summit and a blueprint to take the military bloc to its next one in 2022. The representatives of the thirty-nation alliance also endorsed the 67-page document used to prepare the summit’s discussions and decisions, NATO 2030: United for a New Era. In turn the summit tasked NATO with elaborating a new Strategic Concept to replace that adopted at the Lisbon summit in 2010.

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Why the EU is lining up against China

Posted by seumasach on June 3, 2021

“The United States is pursuing its plan to transform the Atlantic Alliance from a super-army against Russia to one against China. The European Parliament has just quietly placed the European Union on this political line, even before the governments have taken a decision.”

Manlio Dinucci


1st June, 2021

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Swamp fails to drain Trump

Posted by seumasach on March 1, 2021

Cailean Bochanan

1st March, 2021

Trump’s triumphant return at the CPAC can only accentuate the despair felt in Atlanticist circles, especially those emanating from London. After 4 years trying to tame the beast he is back and Biden’s election turns out to be a Pyrrhic victory. In fact, Trump looks in a stronger position than ever, continuing to highlight the blatant electoral fraud which denied him victory ( with three dissenters on the Supreme Court openly sympathetic), pushing for quicker reopening of schools (with falling “cases” due to a suspiciously timed intervention from the WHO curbing PCR testing excesses), a plank of Biden’s programme, lamenting Biden’s failure to withdraw the military from the Middle East and escoriating the treacherous republican leadership to the delight of the crowds, a Republican leadership which now has no choice but to endorse the man they queued up to stab on Capitol Hill. There is nothing here to suggest that the greatly feared Democratic Party dictatorship has become a realty. Trump has not been driven from political life, his supporters haven’t been hunted down, the far-left, rather than being empowered, are in despair at having been sold down the river so soon. The drive to open up the economy as the so-called covid epidemic tails off is becoming irresistible.

While Trump exudes strength, Biden exudes weakness. True, he has presided over a piece of gratuitous aggression, a missile attack on Syria, a traditional blooding of the new incumbent, but it’s questionable whether he was even informed, let alone consulted about it. His Vice-President Kamala Harris certainly wasn’t and complained vociferously. In office, but not in power. Extraordinarily, leading members of the Democratic Party want to take away Biden’s power to press the nuclear button. I would suggest that is symptomatic of a situation where power is escaping their hands. They want to control the president but someone else is already doing that. Quite explicitly, in fact. Shortly before Biden’s inauguration the Joints Chief’s of Staff made the unprecedented announcement that they would guarantee the Biden succession. So he owes his position to them in a sort of managed transition. Is this a soft military regime being signalled to us also through the occupation of Washington DC by the National Guard, at Trump’s command remember! General Michael Flynn spoke openly of a military intervention but not quite in this way. The fact that he is not facing treason charges, which undoubtedly would have been the first move of a Democratic single party dictatorship following on a coup by electoral fraud, confirms that the coup hasn’t happened. The appointment of his brother to head Asia Command confirms it doubly. It is as if MacBeth, after killing Duncan, continued to encounter his ghost in the corridors of the castle, failed to kill Banquo and the rest of the Duncan supporters, promoted some of them and even allowed them to continue to propagate conspiracy theories about Duncan’s death.

If we are in a period of military stewardship of the United States what would their goal be? To keep the states unified, in the first instance. They would seek to prevent the slide into civil war so confidently predicted in certain circles. Blocking normal politics would then be an essential step since normal politics is driven by irreconcilable extremes. Having a puppet Democratic president is then ideal to take the wind out of the sails of the loony left whose identity nonsense if incompatible in principle with any stable body politic. They do indeed seem to have gone quiet and the Trots are in despair, always a reliable marker. As WSWS puts it : “Biden and the Democratic Party leadership have strengthened Trump and his fellow Republican plotters.”

They would also have grasped by now that China has emerged victorious from Coronawars and that the USA better open up quickly before even more damage has been done to its standing in the world. They would also seek to salvage something of the middle class as some kind of stable base to the political system.

They would also seek to strengthen the military, of course, through the time honoured method of generating tension against imaginary enemies. At the same time the realists would be in charge as they have tended to be since the Iraq debacle and the overthrow of Rumsfeld, checking any temptation towards reckless conflict. This, of course, is contradictory but the trend towards non-engagement by US troops spread out around the world will likely continue. Any realist would also realise that US levels of defence spending are incompatible with diminished US economic power and the looming financial blowout. Perhaps, bringing the troops home and curbing the Military/Industrial Complex might be the twin planks of future Trump foreign policy. Meanwhile, London will continue its amateur propaganda campaign to bounce the USA into conflict with the evil Russians

The great losers in these developments are precisely these the warmongers and neo-imperialists in London. As I have argued within the anti-lockdown movement, the immediate goal of lockdown is not a NWO, as advocated by Klaus Schwab, already a figure of fun and general derision, but the NOW, the New Order of the West, a remilitarised, streamlined West under the leadership of a re-empowered NATO and Johnson’s D-10, a grandiose Freedom Alliance of the Western democracies with the Eastern democracies, Australia, Japan, South Korea, India underpinned by the strict denial of basic democratic rights under the pretext of an imaginary epidemic. Significantly, the ten leading countries in terms of covid “cases” are members of NATO. By Covid will they stand or fall. They will fall.

Trump has not drained the swamp but neither has the swamp drained Trump. The USA is in an unstable equilibrium that has to resolve itself either through its refoundation as a nation state or a disastrous, renewed bid for global hegemony.

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South Atlantic: Britain May Provoke New Conflict With Argentina

Posted by seumasach on March 1, 2010

Rick Rozoff


24th February, 2010

Since the 1982 war against the United Kingdom, Argentina has attempted to settle the Falkland/Malvinas Islands sovereignty dispute through diplomatic channels. But news that a British company has launched oil exploration in the area has brought bi-lateral relations to a new low. The U.K. should be reminded that the balance of power has shifted, as Latin America has steadily moved towards higher regional integration and greater independence from Washington and its allies. As Hugo Chávez bluntly put it to H.M. Queen Elizabeth II: ’The time for empires is over!’ And Argentina no loger stands alone as it did in 1982.

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An Inconvenient Truth About Ukraine

Posted by seumasach on October 20, 2009

Mat Rodina

16th October, 2009

The West, which itself in ever more hypocritical fashions, loves to lecture nations about not meddling in other nations’ politics, while itself acting like a brazen bully and mafiosa, buying politicians and political parties, setting up puppets and rigging elections, has found a rather inconvenient truth in Ukraine.

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China dips its toe in the Black Sea

Posted by seumasach on August 1, 2009

M K Bhadrakumar

Asia Times

31st July, 2009

Like the star gazers who last week watched the longest total solar eclipse of the 21st century, diplomatic observers had a field day watching the penumbra of big power politics involving the United States, Russia and China, which constitutes one of the crucial phenomena of 21st-century world politics.
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NATO attack on Serbia: 1999- 2009 ” there is no humanitarian war “

Posted by seumasach on March 22, 2009

Zivadin Jovanovic, last minister of Foreign Affairs of Yugoslavia, interviewed in Belgrade by Vanessa Stojilkovic & Zoran Jevric for InvestigAction

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Spain will never recognise Kosovo – Zapatero

Posted by alfied on March 12, 2009

Spain will never recognise Kosovo - ZapateroUNITED: Serbian president Boris Tadic, left, and Spanish prime minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero  March 9 2009

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Balkans: Staging Ground For NATO’s Post-Cold War Order by Rick Rozoff

Posted by seumasach on February 11, 2009

Rick Rozoff
Global Research

9th February, 2009

The world hasn’t begun to recover from the events of 1991, a true annus terribilis whose watershed nature was insufficiently appreciated at the time and has been practically ignored since.

The year initiated the first attempt in history to enforce worldwide military, political, economic and cultural unipolarity; the advent in earnest of neoliberalism with all the devastating economic and social consequences it has wrought since then; the genesis of US-led and Western-supported air, ground, counterinsurgency and proxy wars against defenseless targets from the Middle East to the Balkans, South Asia to Africa.

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