In These New Times

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Posts Tagged ‘rules-based global order’


Posted by seumasach on June 16, 2021

White House

13th June, 2021

“In Cornwall we have revitalised our G7 partnership. Our Shared Agenda for Global Action is a statement of our shared vision and ambition as we continue to collaborate this year and under future Presidencies. As we do so we look forward to joining with others to ensure we build back better, in particular at the G20 Summit, COP26, and CBD15 and the UN General Assembly, and reiterate our support for the holding of the Olympic and Paralympic Games Tokyo 2020 in a safe and secure manner as a symbol of global unity in overcoming COVID-19.”

This is the concluding paragraph of a document which reveals a G7 rediscovering its own irrelevance. Good to see its repeated references to the G20 which should have replaced it long ago. Nothing however about Johnson’s grandiose plans for a D-10 alliance of so-called democracies. No mention at all of NATO but plenty of mention of the UN and international law which will bring groans of dismay in Downing Street with their “rules-based international order”, the rules made up by themselves, being undermined. The usual childish anti-Russian propaganda although with a worrying reference to defending the recognised borders of Ukraine- does that include Crimea? Wisely, the G7, which includes Japan, has desisted from its attempts to get the Olympic Games cancelled.

Read document

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