In These New Times

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Posts Tagged ‘Iraq’

Bush pledges on Iraq bases a ruse

Posted by smeddum on June 15, 2008

    (Asia Times) 

Bush pledges on Iraq bases a ruse

By Gareth Porter 

WASHINGTON – Two key pledges made by the George W Bush administration on military bases in its negotiations with the government of Iraq have now been revealed as carefully worded ruses aimed at concealing US negotiating aims from both US citizens and Iraqis who would object to them if they were made clear. 

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Sadr’s agreement with Iraqi Army

Posted by seumasach on May 18, 2008

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Why the war-party’s reading of this is wrong(MISSING LINKS)

The point that Moqtada has emphasized consistently in all of his recent statements is that the Sadr trend is at war with the occupation only, and not with the Iraqi forces. The strategy is to drive out the occupation (1) without triggering civil war between Iraqi groups; and in fact (2) use the process as preparation for an Iraqi government freed from the filth of the occupation. You can see this in his statements of April 8; April 19; and April 25. (Discussion of the latter here). I won’t bother to quote the relevant parts again, because the strategy is clear: Fight the occupation without triggering an intra-Iraq war. Read the rest of this entry »

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Iran sees talks with US on Iraq useless

Posted by seumasach on May 15, 2008

Tehran, May 5, IRNA
Foreign Ministry spokesman, Mohammad-Ali Hosseini said on Monday that next round of talks with the United States on Iraq would not be effective when bloodshed is going on five years after occupation.
The US does not heed Iranian call to stop indiscriminate bombardment of residential areas in Sadr City and that the warring parties should sit at negotiating table and help Iraqi democratic government foster national reconciliation.

Iran has also advised the Iraqi government to go ahead with reconstruction program which will be helpful to create jobs for corps of unemployed youth.

“The focus of discussions with the US is Iraq’s security and stability. We are witnessing indiscriminate bombardment of Iraqi residential areas by the US occupying forces,” Hosseini told reporters at his weekly press conference.

“Given the current circumstances, holding the next round of talks (with US) would have no result and makes no sense.” 
Iran’s ambassador to Iraq, Hassan Kazemi Qomi, and his US counterpart Ryan Crocker held three rounds of talks on Iraq on May 28, July 24 and August 6, 2007 in the presence of an Iraqi representative.

The fourth round of talks between the two sides was expected to be held on March 6, but it was cancelled in the last minute when the US side announced it was not well-prepared.

Iran gives preference to hold talks with the US on Iraq security, because of its interest in stability of the neighboring state.

The US occupying forces have in recent days carried out deadly rocket and air strikes against defenseless Iraqi people in Baghdad suburb, Sadr city.

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Iraqi government, Al-Mahdi Army agree to a cease fire

Posted by seumasach on May 11, 2008



Sheik Salah Al-Obeidi, an aide to anti-occupation cleric Moqtada Al-Sadr, says the cease-fire will go into effect Sunday.

He made the ceasefire agreement public in the southern city of Najaf on Saturday, IRNA reporter in Baghdad said.

Iran has called on warring parties to sit at negotiating table and settle dispute through dialogue.

Iran, so far, brokered a ceasefire between Iraqi government and Al-Sadr, but, the peace process was ruined by the US disproportionate bombardment of the residential areas in the city killing hundreds of children and women.

The US continues with the military mood and does not allow the Iraqi democratic government to develop national reconciliation and go ahead with reconstruction drive five years after occupation.

Iran told the Iraqi government that reconstruction efforts will help create jobs for corps of unemployed youth bringing the people closer to the government. –IRNA

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