In These New Times

A new paradigm for a post-imperial world

Posts Tagged ‘Demise of US economy’

Lost Control & Economic Mythology

Posted by smeddum on August 8, 2009

By: Jim Willie CB,
Thursday, 6 August 2009

A great question to ask is: what was the first important chapter written in nonsensical Economic Mythology? It gave powerful intellectual protection and coverage by economists, and resulted in widespread acceptance. The answer is clearly the break in the Bretton Woods Accord, when in 1971 Nixon broke the gold standard and permitted the USDollar to float on a cloud of arrogance and on a wave of liquidity that is best described as debt mixed with counterfeit. Little known then, but better known now, is the role of the USMilitary in propping up the value and acceptance of the USDollar. The nation and world were told that greater flexibility would result in order to build economies, deal with cyclical problems, and contend with the needs of global population growth. The momentum of destruction is powerful, damage accelerating, and platforms disintegrating. The key to mythology is to recognize it as nonsense spouted by the high priest economists whose handiwork of destruction must be hidden from view, only to see yet another chapter unfold that captures the attention of the innocent and ignorant. The priesthood is left in charge of the intellectual dogma behind mythology, not much different from communist mumbo jumbo about power to the proletariat, complete with a supporting cast of a Politburo. The US Politburo is hidden from view, a pack of misfit incompetents and established failed figures continuing to spout policy and to manage Fannie Mae, AIG, and now General Motors. The US Federal Reserve is the keeper of the Holy Grail, now manifested in criminal confiscation and disbursement of USCongressional funds, and a secretive balance sheet. Watch them defy the US Supreme Court. Their dogma is mostly vapor with little substance, sufficient to keep the population in participation or at bay, but at least confused. Read the rest of this entry »

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