In These New Times

A new paradigm for a post-imperial world

In from the cold: CIA gesture indicates thawing US-Russia ties

Posted by seumasach on December 20, 2017

Since any attempt by Washington to normalize relations with Russia will inevitably, anyway, have a markedly schizophrenic character, it is important not to jump to conclusions as certain commentators have regarding Trump’s supposed capitulation to the neocons. The president must address different lobbies, his base of support and the Russians with different voices. Having done so much to undermine the post-war US led order it over the last year it defies credibility that Trump does not plan to edge towards the new- multipolar order: the worldview outlined in the latest National Security Strategy offers no such perspectives for the US and , indeed, no useful perspectives whatsoever. There simply has to be something else unless we are to believe the US elite has completely lost its bearings. These astonishing CIA moves are likely the tip of the iceberg of that “something else”.


Asia Times

In the annals of Russian-American relations, it is difficult to recall a precedent for the Kremlin leader calling his White House counterpart to convey his personal gratitude and appreciation for the profound contribution made by the US’ Central Intelligence Agency and its director to Russian national security.

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