In These New Times

A new paradigm for a post-imperial world

Scottish Bee Industry at risk through dual threat

Posted by smeddum on July 1, 2008

The Press and Journal
MP demands urgent action to protect bees
Published: 01/07/2008

One wonders how long they can keep up the official story that CCD is unexplained.

” Dr. rer. nat. Ulrich Warnke, a biological scientist at Saarland University, can demonstrate
this on a firm basis in his most recent publication Bees, Birds and People, The

Destruction of Nature as a result of ‘Electrosmog’. His findings are the result of his own

research over a decade, a superior overview of the state of international research,

however, above all the realisation of verifiable mechanisms which have a disorientating
and damaging effect on the bees. ” Source

The UK Government has been called on to do more to combat the risks facing Scottish bees. Danny Alexander, MP for Inverness, Nairn, Badenoch and Strathspey, yesterday tabled an early day motion calling for action.

He pointed out the UK bee population was suffering from the dual threats of the unexplained phenomenon of colony collapse disorder and the growing resistance of the varroa destructor mite to traditional chemical controls.

Scottish bee farmers and beekeepers are particularly threatened as the alternative treatment for the varroa destructor mite licensed in the UK is unsuitable in a Scottish context because most of the bees are brought back from the heather moors in September/October, yet the treatment requires an ambient temperature of 15C.

Although effective alternative treatments have been licensed in other parts of the EU, they are not yet licensed in this country.

There is also a much more limited diagnostic and follow-up service for bee health matters in Scotland and there are only four bee inspectors.

Mr Alexander said: “The feeble allowance granted to the National Bee Unit for research has meant Defra has been caught unprepared by the varroa destructor mite’s resistance to chemical treatment.

“It is simply unacceptable that Defra has repeatedly talked about ensuring the survival of English and Welsh hives without acknowledging the differing conditions of the Scottish bee farmers who make up a quarter of the UK’s commercial hives.

“Complacency about the health of Scottish bees now appears to be misplaced given the higher than normal loss of hives over the winter.

“I am concerned that without immediate action we will be facing a threat capable of jeopardising an industry worth millions of pounds not only to beekeepers and bee farmers but also to the retail and tourist industries.”

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