In These New Times

A new paradigm for a post-imperial world

Posts Tagged ‘neocons’

The Neocons-“an infection that keeps coming back.”

Posted by seumasach on January 24, 2010

The Return of the Neocons

David Margolick


22nd January, 2010

For all his eminence—or maybe because of it—the funeral for Irving Kristol this past September was an understated affair. Some thought Dick Cheney might show up, but neither he nor any other Republican leader did; it seemed almost ungrateful, given Kristol’s extraordinary contribution to the GOP—how he’d brought intellectual legitimacy and heft to what he himself had once called “the stupid party.” None of the Republican congressional leadership was there, nor any of the would-be candidates for 2012—not even Sarah Palin, whom Kristol’s ubiquitous son, Bill, had helped turn into a political phenomenon.

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