In These New Times

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Posts Tagged ‘Maidan madness’

Spanish report on Ukraine

Posted by seumasach on February 24, 2014

This Spanish report will dismay the forces behind the coup in Ukraine. The worst thing that can happen to “opposition” of this type is taking power. especially on the back of armed insurrection. Here we learn that the Maidan gunmen want “new faces” who won’t as they see it betray Ukraine. They are not happy with the appointment of Turchinov and don’t want Tymoshenko. Turchinov himself is delirious calling on Ukraine to “renew the path of European integration”. This is a non-starter: can you imagine the EU taking in one of the world’s most backward economies of 45 million people. All the Europeans ever offered and ever will offer is a free trade deal backed by IMF loans whose conditions will destroy any government that accepts them. We are seeing an illegal government, brought to power through foreign intervention, held hostages to armed madmen following a purely imaginary political agenda. And all this in Europe with the approval of the EU. Surreal, astonishing!

Ucrania reemprende el camino de acercamiento a la Unión Europea

El Pais

24th February, 2014

Las autoridades de hecho de Ucrania, es decir, los partidos que hasta el sábado por la mañana constituían la oposición, legislaban ayer y se preparaban para formar un nuevo Gobierno sin tener aún la situación bajo firme control. El presidente en funciones, Alexándr Turchínov, aseguró que el país volverá a retomar el camino de la integración europea y pidió a Moscú respeto para esta decisión. El ambiente es inestable, con muchas incógnitas. Europa, Rusia y EE UU han advertido contra el peligro de una secesión.

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