In These New Times

A new paradigm for a post-imperial world

Posts Tagged ‘Lebanon’

Resistance is inevitable, whatever enemies say

Posted by seumasach on March 25, 2014

Ghaleb Kandil


17th March, 2014

The illusions of some parties of their ability to alter the balance of power in Lebanon, and realize their dreams to target the Resistance and its legitimacy, have filed on the rock of reality. They thought to change the balance of power with the help of the Americans, the West and the Arab Gulf, including Saudi Arabia, but they have once again failed.
At the expiry of the period which would have transformed Tammam Salam government to a caretaker Cabinet, white smoke finally cleared, and the protagonists agreed on a ministerial statement recognizing “the right of Lebanon and Lebanese citizens to resist the Israeli occupation.” An inalienable right recognized by the United Nations Charter, but some Lebanese were willing to sell out, for free, to serve the interests of Israel, abandoning the only factor that makes the strength of Lebanon. March-14, helped by the President of the Republic, have still failed. Just hours after the oratory Carnival of March-14, the Future Movement has resigned to accept his defeat. The intervention of diplomats based in Beirut and major capitals concerned by the Lebanese situation convince that coalition of the inability to change the balance of power.
The escalation initiated by March-14 in denying the right of the Lebanese to resist occupation illustrates the internal dissensions which blow in the ranks of that coalition, the weakness of its external support, and reflects an unparalleled political amateurism. In this context, we can highlight the following factors:
Saudi Arabia sees its sphere of influence gradually reducing and witnesses the dismemberment of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC).
The West, led by the United States, is lost and does not know how to act after the offensive against Russia in the Ukrainian case. Moscow has prevented Westerners to capitalize on Ukrainian crisis. Germany launches signals on his disagreement with its NATO allies and seems tempted by a Eurasian partnership with Russia.
According to the most optimistic estimates, it is clear that the enemies of the Resistance are unable to launch a global offensive, as had been believed for a moment, by those who have analyzed too simply and too quickly events in Ukraine.
The Israeli attempts to change the rules of the game were met with strong ground realities and responses, some of which remained unknown to the general public and deeply mysterious.
The determination of the Lebanese political forces, allies of the Resistance, and their intelligent management of the confrontation, were due to the stubbornness of the Future and 14 Mars. These political forces have brandished the possibility of binding parliamentary consultations in if the government of Tammam Salam falls. They sent messages to the appointment of a new personality to form a government from which March-14 would be excluded. Unable to stay longer out of the government, the leaders of this coalition are resigned to accept the reference to the Resistance in the Ministerial statement. They felt that the Salam government is the most they can hope for in the current circumstances, where the organization of the presidential election seems very difficult.

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CrossTalk: Times of Uprisings?

Posted by seumasach on January 26, 2011

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Israeli minister: Third war on Lebanon in sight

Posted by seumasach on January 23, 2010


23rd January, 2010

An Israeli cabinet minister warns of the third Israeli war on Lebanon amid reports that Tel Aviv has mobilized its troops.

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Suleiman: Tel Aviv behind Katyusha attack on Israel

Posted by seumasach on October 30, 2009


30th October, 2009

Lebanese President Michel Suleiman charges Tel Aviv with a Katyusha-type rocket attack on the Israeli eastern town of Kiryat Shmona calling it a Zionist attempt to keep tensions high in Middle East.

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Affaire Hariri : après la Syrie, le Hezbollah et l’Iran mis en accusation

Posted by seumasach on May 27, 2009

Thierry Meyssan

24th May, 2009

Quatre ans après l’assassinat de l’ancien Premier ministre libanais Rafic Hariri, l’enquête internationale n’a toujours pas abouti et donne lieu à de nouvelles manipulations politiques. Loin de la rigueur qui sied à une procédure judiciaire, un article du Spiegel ouvre un nouvel épisode du feuilleton : puisqu’il a fallu renoncer à accuser la Syrie, faute de preuves, les enquêteurs proches des États-Unis et d’Israël désignent maintenant l’Iran. Ce rebondissement intervient comme un contre-feu, après qu’un journaliste états-unien s’exprimant sur Russia Today, ait accusé Dick Cheney d’avoir commandité le crime.

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A new order emerges in Lebanon

Posted by seumasach on April 29, 2009

Sami Moubayed

Asia Times

29th April, 2009

DAMASCUS – Last week, one of America’s top allies in Lebanon, Druze leader Walid Jumblatt, caused a row when he made remarks – off the record – criticizing his allies in the pro-Western March 14 Coalition. Among other things, Jumblatt scoffed at his patron Saad al-Hariri, the head of the largest bloc in the Lebanese parliament, for having tried – and failed – to combat Hezbollah on the streets of Beirut last May.
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History in the making for Hezbollah

Posted by seumasach on May 23, 2008

By Sami Moubayed (ASIA TIMES)

DAMASCUS – British statesman Sir Winston Churchill once said, “History will be kind to me for I intend to write it.” On another occasion, he said, “Although prepared for martyrdom, I preferred that it be postponed.” 

These two quotes came to my mind, as I imagined Hasan Nasrallah, the secretary general of Hezbollah, seated somewhere in Beirut, watching his allies and opponents hammer out a deal in Doha – to his favor – on Wednesday.  Read the rest of this entry »

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Saudis, US grapple with Iran challenge

Posted by seumasach on May 18, 2008

May 17, 2008

Saudis, US grapple with Iran challenge(ASIA TIMES)
By M K Bhadrakumar

A timeless and abstract passion, which could gain instantaneous contemporaneity and which has proven to be unfailingly useful for statecraft, was invoked in Middle Eastern politics once again this week. It is the ultimate weapon in Saudi Arabia’s arsenal of regional diplomacy. It is seductive in its appeal, yet almost embarrassingly direct. Read the rest of this entry »

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Did Hezbollah Thwart a Bush/Olmert Attack on Beirut?

Posted by seumasach on May 18, 2008

A Sudden Case of Cold Feet

by Franklin Lamb

Global Research, May 16, 2008

This week Israel’s Military Intelligence Chief, Major General Amos Yadlin complained to the Israeli daily Haaretz that ‘Hezbollah proved that it was the strongest power in Lebanon… stronger than the Lebanese and it had wanted to take the government it could have done it,’ He said Hezbollah, continued to pose a ‘significant’ threat to Israel as its rockets could reach a large part of Israeli territory.’ Read the rest of this entry »

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Lebanon army: Crisis is to end

Posted by seumasach on May 12, 2008

11th May 2008 9:16

Lebanon army: Crisis is to end(ENDOFEMPIRE)

Siniora, had earlier, implored the army to live up to it’s responsibilities and thankfully they have done that.

BEIRUT: The Lebanese army said on Saturday it had frozen measures taken by the government against the Shiite Hizbollah movement, and called for all armed fighters to withdraw from the streets.

“The army command calls on all parties to (help restore calm) by ending armed protests and withdrawing gunmen from the streets and opening the roads,” the military said in a statement.

It said that the head of airport security, who had been reassigned from his job, would remain in his post pending an investigation and that the army would look into a communications network set up by the Hizbollah group.

“The head of airport security, Brigadier General Wafiq Shqeir, will remain in his post until appropriate procedural measures have been taken after a probe,” the statement said.

“As for the telecommunications network, the army will look into the issue in a manner that is not harmful to the public interest or the security of the resistance” against Israel, it said.

The military said it had taken these decisions in the light of a government wish that it rule on these matters. The army statement came shortly after Prime Minister Fuad Siniora made a televised address to the nation.

Meanwhile Hizbollah-led opposition said on Saturday it would withdraw its armed fighters from the capital and called on the country’s army to take control of Beirut, an official close to the opposition said.

“The opposition welcomes the army’s decision and will proceed with the withdrawal of all its armed elements so that control of the capital is handed over to the military,” the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said.

The official, said however, that the opposition would maintain a civil disobedience campaign against the Western-backed government.

Fourteen people were killed in fierce clashes in north Lebanon on Saturday between supporters of the government and the opposition, a security official said.

Lebanese Prime Minister Fuad Siniora urged the army to restore order after Hizbollah took over west Beirut and vowed his government would hold firm in its face-off with Hizbollah fighters.

“I have called on the army to live up to its national responsibilities without hesitation or delay and this has not happened until now,” Siniora said in a televised address to the nation that marked his first reaction to the sectarian clashes that have left 29 people dead in four days.


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