In These New Times

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Posts Tagged ‘End lockdown!’

An Open Letter from Retired Generals and Admirals

Posted by seumasach on May 14, 2021

American Greatness

This is certainly a significant statement. They are right to see in identity politics a threat to the Republic, as it is, indeed, to any body politic. But rather than being a product of Marxism, it precedes the influence of Marxism. It’s presence was notable in the revolutions of 1848 and in the works, for example, of John Stuart Mill:

“While the importance of moral and national pluralism to John Stuart Mill and later liberals has been the subject of recent debate, little attention has been paid to Mill’s arguments that class and gender ascription fundamentally construct individual identity. Mill argues that the analysis of society in terms of its constituent groups and the power relations between them requires the representation by groups of their own identities and interests in politics — and thus lays the liberal foundations for modern identity politics.” John Stuart Mill and the Social Construction of Identity

Both identity politics and the largely property-based rights espoused by the generals are both a product of the marked individual/society dilemma characteristic of Anglo-Saxon thinking. Didn’t the supreme individualist, Thatcher, say that there was no such thing as society? The real significance of the general’s statement comes in their rather threatening response the the China “threat”. The dark side of upholding American rights is starting wars with authoritarian nations which, by definition, deny these rights. As the in the Declaration of the Rights of Man, drawn up by H.G.Wells under the auspices of the Sankey Commission(both Wells and Lord Sankey were part of the Cecil/Milner Round Table circle) “It is the duty of every man not only to respect but to uphold and to advance the rights of all other men throughout the world.” In their case, the motivation was to impose a Anglo-American New World Order according to the premise that the “history of the western peoples has a lesson for all mankind”. Here, the generals, in accusing China of seeking world domination reveal their own still-enduring aspirations towards the same.

10th May, 2021

Our nation is in deep peril. We are in a fight for our survival as a constitutional republic like no other time since our founding in 1776. The conflict is between supporters of socialism and Marxism versus supporters of constitutional freedom and liberty.

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