In These New Times

A new paradigm for a post-imperial world

Posts Tagged ‘destabilising Nicaragua’

The Obama Administration’s “Axis of Evil”

Posted by seumasach on July 28, 2009

Iran/Nicaragua : Hillary Clinton’s new lie

Thierry Meyssan


28th July, 2009

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton voiced concerns about the construction of an Iranian mega-embassy in Nicaragua.”Experts” spoke on U.S. television about secret military operations being orchestrated by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards in Latin America against U.S. and Israeli interests. What exactly is the factual basis for this media racket

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Noam Chomsky, Tom Hayden, Brian Wilson: At Work for John Negroponte?

Posted by seumasach on June 24, 2008

Toni Solo(
June 23, 2008

On June 16th the Nicaraguan centre-right newspaper El Nuevo Diario published a letter 1 from various well known people calling for the Nicaraguan coalition government, led by the Sandinista FSLN, not to shut down political freedom and to hold a national dialogue to address the food crisis and the high cost of living in Nicaragua. This appeal was made in solidarity with Dora Maria Tellez, the former president of the neo-liberal social democrat Movimiento Renovador Sandinista. The letter’s signatories end their appeal by saying that Tellez represents a broad section of Nicaraguan political opinion and should be listened to.

The signatories’ response to criticism of their endorsement of the former MRS president’s oportunistically calculated, factitious appeal is likely to be that critics of their letter themselves offer misplaced solidarity the FSLN government does not merit. But a brief review of the facts of the MRS record in the last few years renders the dishonesty and shiftiness of Dora Maria Tellez and her colleagues in the MRS leadership very clear. Apologetics on behalf of the FSLN are superfluous in this case. The facts speak for themselves.

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