In These New Times

A new paradigm for a post-imperial world

Posts Tagged ‘cherokee attack’

Whose bombs? Nafeez Ahmed on Glasgow airport attack

Posted by seumasach on December 17, 2008

This article is a must read for a serious analysis of Glasgow airport attack and related incidents.

The Cutting Edge

Nafeez Ahmed

6th July, 2007

[The following is an extended deconstructive analysis quoting rather liberally from relevant sources. As far as I’m aware, it’s the first of its kind to be published in either mainstream or alternative circles. Therefore, please circulate widely.]

How to understand the attempted but largely failed terrorist plots uncovered since last Friday? Police officers on June 29 dismantled two car bombs made from gas canisters, gasoline and nails, parked in central London’s major theatre and shopping districts. A day later, two men rammed a Jeep Cherokee, filled with flammable material, into a terminal entrance at Glasgow airport. The series of attempted attacks follows hot on the heels of an attempted al-Qaeda attack in the United States earlier in June.

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