In These New Times

A new paradigm for a post-imperial world

Posts Tagged ‘Charlie Hebdo’

Charlie Hebdo and Fredou: Who’s awake, who’s still in bed?

Posted by seumasach on January 17, 2015

Asia Times

16th January, 2015

On Thursday, January 8, France 3, the second-largest French public TV channel, reported the death that morning of a police commissioner who had been investigating the January 7 attack on the French weekly satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo.

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The terror attacks in France. The broader geopolitical implications

Posted by seumasach on January 13, 2015

Interview with Umberto Pascali – For Voice of the People, TV Sonce, Skipje, Macedonia

Global Research

10th January, 2015

Question: Mr. Pascali, an unprecedented drama is developing in France under our eyes. After marked terrorists killed 12 people at the offices of the Charlie Hebdo, new terrorist acts are striking France. Hostages have been taken in a Paris store after a murder, two suspects are surrounded by the French police with the prospect of a long siege.

Confusing and terrifying news are coming from the field and from the press wires. One of the suspects for the Charlie Hebdo massacre give himself up to the police claiming to have been in school at the moment of the massacre. The media report that the suspect authors of the massacre have been for several years on a US and British Terrorist Database and, thus, they were well known and had been even previously arrested. The video of the terrorists killing a policemen in front of the Charlie Hebdo building, and the scared reaction of the civilian population are creating the climate of what has been called the European September 11. What is going on?

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