In These New Times

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Posts Tagged ‘bond market bubble’

Warning on bond prices

Posted by seumasach on October 10, 2013

Bond investors face ‘untold damage’ when interest rates rise


8th October, 2013

Rising interest rates could inflict “untold damage” on bond portfolios, a senior investment analyst has warned.

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U.S. economy, problem is insolvency not liquidity

Posted by seumasach on July 6, 2011

The Great Misdiagnosis of the US Economy, Problem Is Insolvency Not LIquidity

Jim Willie

Market Oracle


1st July, 2011

Imagine a doctor who administers an elaborate treatment for a man suffering from multiple broken bones, joint arthritis, and fallen foot arches. The quack doctor orders massive amounts of liquids as though he has a horrible case of dehydration. The inept doctor also permits unlimited freedom of movement around the hospital and its grounds to the patient, as part of the blunt treatment. The man still cannot walk right or breathe normally, has trouble lifting any significant weight with the arms, and stumbles around from shaky legs. But he has plenty of fluids and freedom to roam, urinating like a race horse. With the heavy mistreatment that is badly off the mark, he has a new problem, diarrhea and bloat together. His doctor is an idiot, incompetent, but still given respect.

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