In These New Times

A new paradigm for a post-imperial world

Posts Tagged ‘Benghazi embassy attack’

Obama’s coverup of Benghazi, new 9/11, starts To collapse

Posted by seumasach on September 29, 2012

In fact, what is so remarkable is how little Romney has been able to take advantage of all this

Edward Spannaus


24th September, 2012

Sept. 24—Within days of the mass circulation ofLyndon LaRouche’s statement, demanding Obama’s immediate impeachment for his complicity in a new 9/11, and for ignoring specific warnings of a possible attack in Benghazi, Libya (see last issue), the White House coverup of the truth about the attack on the U.S. consultate there, began to unravel. The most noticeable shift was when, on Sept. 20, White House press spokesman Jay Carney was forced to admit that the Sept. 11 killing of Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other U.S. employees was an act of terrorism. Just days earlier, he and U.S. Ambassador to the UN Susan Rice had been desperately claiming that the attack was a spontaneous act of mob violence in response to a pathetic anti-Islam movie trailer posed on YouTube, and not a premeditated attack on the anniversary of Sept. 11, 2001.

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Mugabe: Gaddafi’s death as tragic as US envoy’s

Posted by seumasach on September 28, 2012

Daily News

27th September, 2012

United Nations – Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe said on Wednesday the death of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi was as tragic as that of US Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens, as he delivered a scathing critique of US, UN and Nato actions.

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Protecting the Lie

Posted by seumasach on September 20, 2012

Is Obama admin’s refusal to come clean on Benghazi a political choice?

Al-Qaeda Attack Harms Claims of Libya War ‘Victory’

Jason Ditz


17th September, 2012

In Fall of 2004, with reelection looming, a top George W. Bush aide openly mocked people who “believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality” while insisting “that’s not the way the world really works anymore” and that the administration could create new realities at will.

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Syria regime change plans on pause – After Benghazi attack, US not keen on Bush’s ‘democracy campaign’

Posted by seumasach on September 17, 2012

It takes , seemingly, an outside perspective to tell us what is happening in the West. The regime change programme had already failed. The US chiefs-of staff didn’t like the proposed no-fly-zone or the Banghazi-style safe havens. Now the Benghazi style has become very unfashionable overnight. The problem for the US is that “you can’t retreat” and especially you can’t retreat leaving your NATO allies, France and Turkey, twisting in the wind. The US has to abandon its Al Qaeda and Salafists allies in Syria without endangering the unity of NATO. The Benghazi attack gives them the pretext to do that and the allies will understand that there is no choice. Already the arch-hawk Fabius, French foreign secretary, is reduced to only calling for more sanctions against Assad. At the same time rotation is likely with Obama and left  going down with the ship of regime change and the way opening up to a Romney presidency and whatever that might bring.

Telegraph India

13th September, 2012

Washington, Sept. 13: The fatal attack on the American ambassador to Libya and three other US personnel at their consulate in Benghazi has had the immediate result of ending the prospect of any western military effort to change the regime in Syria in the foreseeable future.

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