In These New Times

A new paradigm for a post-imperial world

Chinese ambassador to EU: No UK trade talks without a Brexit deal

Posted by seumasach on April 17, 2018

In other words, “global Britain” depends entirely on the UK’s relationship with the EU. This is a timely reminder by China after signs that “global Britain” actually means a desperate attempt by the UK to revive Western imperialism under it’s own leadership.


13th April, 2018

China’s envoy to the EU warned that planned trade talks between London and Beijing face “great uncertainties” if Britain fails to reach a trade deal with the EU beforehand. In his first media interview since becoming ambassador to the EU six months ago, Zhang Ming told POLITICO that EU-U.K. talks must be finalized prior to any detailed negotiations with China. “If there is not a Brexit deal, there won’t be things to talk about after that,” he said, adding, “If the EU and the U.K. fail to reach agreement in the first place, the U.K.’s agreements with other parties may have to face great uncertainties.”

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