In These New Times

A new paradigm for a post-imperial world

UK heading for new financial crisis

Posted by seumasach on August 3, 2016

“The Bank of England is asleep at the wheel again, and we will be back to beleaguered banksters begging for bailouts – and the taxpayer will be ripped off yet again, but bigger this time.”

Bail-outs are no longer permitted under EU regulations, drawn up by Michel Barnier, bete noir of the Murdoch press, so it will be interesting how they play this one post Brexit. In any case, the people should take to the streets to oppose any bailouts!

UK heading for new financial crisis ‘on grander scale than 2008’ with Bank of England ‘asleep at the wheel’, says AS


3rd August, 2016

The Bank of England’s annual stress tests of the UK’s banks, designed to ensure Britain’s lenders will not be at the heart of another destructive financial crisis, have been branded “worse than useless”, by a new report.

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