In These New Times

A new paradigm for a post-imperial world

EU political leaders call for massive shake up after Brexit blow

Posted by seumasach on July 2, 2016

“We should use this momentum to make the EU work again, which means an effective European government for the Eurozone, a European Border and Coast Guard to safeguard free movement, a European capacity to fight terrorism and a Defense Community. The result of this referendum is a wake-up call which we should use to move forward. We will only be able to turn the tide by working more efficiently together.”

These are the changes contained within the Ayrault-Steimeier document. They are not new and confirm the peripheral role of the EU vis-à-vis the Eurozone. Brexit, with the Brits no longer there to frustrate progress, is already a massive boost to Eurozone integration and governance. At the same time this process should help counter the domino effect which is the last hope of the neocons. Getting control of it’s borders and establishing a coherent and just policy on refugees is one key aspect of avoiding contagion from Brexit. Another is stabilizing the situation in Syria i.e. working together with Russia.

By showing there is no EU integration process, only a Eurozone one, these developments could change some British perceptions. Still, with free movement and, therefore, the single market ruled out, it is hard to see any role for Britain in Europe.


30th June, 201

Leaders of the main political parties in the European Parliament are meeting Thursday (June 30) amid calls for a major shake-up of the institutions of the EU following the Brexit referendum result in an effort to prevent a domino effect.

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