In These New Times

A new paradigm for a post-imperial world

UK home secretary rules out invoking Article 50 on Brexit before 2017

Posted by seumasach on July 1, 2016

We heard that article 50 could not be invoked until we had a brexit prime minister i.e. until the Autumn. But the game is to string things out as long as possible. Now we’re into 2017 by which time we hope to have set the eurosceptic ball rolling. Look out for further delays allowing for the French elections in April, 2017. And so on ad infinitum. As May says:”Brexit means Brexit”. Oh, yes!


30th June, 2016

The UK home secretary emphasized that invoking Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty on leaving the European Union should not happen before the end of 2016.

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One Response to “UK home secretary rules out invoking Article 50 on Brexit before 2017”

  1. alfied said

    To start with:open up the Russian market by lifting sanctions, pass legislation to regulate the city of London and anything else to close down the offshore tax havens and of course a Scottish referendum. That might keep them honest :)

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