In These New Times

A new paradigm for a post-imperial world

5th Euro-BRICS Meeting

Posted by seumasach on April 23, 2015

Regional integrations as a model for XXIst century multipolar global governance (Helsinki, 8-9 June 2015)

LEAP 2020

The Ukrainian crisis which marked the year 2014 was analysed by LEAP’s Euro-BRICS network as the result of an overlap between two economic unions, the European Union and the Eurasian Economic Union, having failed to cooperate in creating the conditions for a non-conflictual co-development[1]. In other words : « the first conflict of the multipolar world ». Indeed the multipolarity of the XXIst century world is neither good or bad, it is a fact which policy-makers must address with optimism and rationality in order to organise it so that today’s multipolar world doesn’t look like Europe in the 1930s.

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