In These New Times

A new paradigm for a post-imperial world

Britain must give the West a lead on defence

Posted by seumasach on April 6, 2015

John Bolton epitomizes the views of those whose attachment to the fading hopes of Anglo-American hegemony in the world leads them to grasp the prospect of a “New Cold War” without end with all the desperation of a drowning man. Behind them of course is the Military Industrial Complex, the ultimate lobby. But the perversity of the view that the West can only prosper within the context of a permanent military standoff against enemies who endlessly renew themselves renders Bolton’s efforts merely a kind of devils’ advocacy. What better argument for ending Trident and demilitarizing the bankrupt empire than this grim argumentation so out of tune with prevailing aspirations for peace and international cooperation. Bolton also confirms what I have been arguing in these columns for over two years now, namely, that Obama is leading the retreat from empire. In despair, Bolton looks to Britain.


6th April, 2015

Strengthening Britain’s defence capabilities is critical in a turbulent world, to protect not only the United Kingdom, but the West and its global allies more broadly. Rather than seeking ever-deeper military budget cuts, the UK – and the US – should be planning on sharp increases in manpower, weapons systems, and information technology.

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