In These New Times

A new paradigm for a post-imperial world

UK sees Chinese growth at record rate

Posted by seumasach on December 16, 2014

The partnerships established with China by the British and Scottish governments are already bearing fruit. This is the one mitigating factor in bankrupt Britain meaning the coming crisis will be less apocalyptic than it would be otherwise. Britain has always depended on incoming capital flows. The difference now is that instead of these going into government bonds they are taking the form of FDI(foreign direct investment). This provides us with a chance to run down our debt as the Chinese cash in their sterling-denominated bonds for real assets, and to end our trade deficit as Britain becomes an export base for Chinese companies or manufactures here goods which we have up until now imported from China. I would also expect them to “recapitalise”, takeover, our banks once they have been bailed in. This is the context in which the commitment of all major parties to a balanced budget, guaranteed by financial devolution to the regions or constituent nations, must be understood. There are no buyers for UK government bonds and QE to infinity is impossible. It is also possible now to avoid the complete collapse of the pound and we may instead hope for an orderly devaluation within a new global financial system prior to eventual adoption of the Euro.

China Daily

12th December, 2014

Chinese companies are growing in the UK at an unprecedented rate, adding a significant contribution to the UK economy through growth and employment, according to the Grant Thornton Tou Ying Tracker 2014 in collaboration with China Daily.

According to the Tou Ying 2014 Top 25 tracker which was released on Friday, the 25 fastest growing Chinese companies in the UK this year have generated 38 percent growth overall. Their combined turnover exceeded 25 billion pounds, and together they employ about 4,000.


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