In These New Times

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Official US government report finds EM radiation threat to birds

Posted by seumasach on March 30, 2014

30th March, 2014

Citing studies by distinguished Spanish scientist, Alfonso Balmori, a letter from US department of Interior admits impact of EM radiation on birds:

“The second significant issue associated with communication towers involves impacts from non- ionizing electromagnetic radiation emitted by these structures. Radiation studies at cellular communication towers were begun circa 2000 in Europe and continue today on wild nesting birds. Study results have documented nest and site abandonment, plumage deterioration, locomotion problems, reduced survivorship, and death (e.g., Balmori 2005, Balmori and Hallberg 2007, and Everaert and Bauwens 2007). Nesting migratory birds and their offspring have apparently been affected by the radiation from cellular phone towers in the 900 and 1800 MHz frequency ranges- 915 MHz is the standard cellular phone frequency used in the United States.” 

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