In These New Times

A new paradigm for a post-imperial world

Israel: Living by the sword

Posted by seumasach on November 19, 2012

“Other Arab and regional states in good standing with Hamas, notably Qatar (whose Emir Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani recently visited Gaza with promises of financial assistance and investment) and Turkey (Hamas leader Khaled Mashal gave the key note address at the AK party conference of Prime Minister Erdoğan) will themselves be keen for this crisis to be over asap. Their priority right now is Syria. And this Gazan escalation will already be taking the gloss off their apparent success in re-launching a unified Syrian opposition grouping in Doha last week. They are now in the uncomfortable position of having worked closely on Syria with the same Western powers (notably the US, Britain, France, and the EU) who have been rushing to accord legitimacy to Israel’s so-called “self-defence” action against Gaza. They know that this is music to the ears of the Assad regime and that it will be used against them, especially if more Gazan blood is spilled. If this becomes Cast Lead II, then they will be in no position to promote the intervention they desire in Syria while Gaza is burning.”

Daniel Levi


18th November

The internal logic to Israeli policy is to live by the sword, but a more democratic Arab region, more responsive to public demands and dignity can only make such a policy dangerous in the longer term

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