In These New Times

A new paradigm for a post-imperial world

Putin: Russia rejects chaos in Syria

Posted by seumasach on November 17, 2012

Syria Online

16th November, 2012

Russia’s President Vladimir Putin said that there are sides that want chaos in Syria, adding that Russia rejects that because Syria is near to Russia’s borders.

In a press conference with the German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Putin stressed that the events in Syria could evolve to chaos as was the way in Libya.

Putin expressed concern over the situation in the Gaza Strip, saying that there are convergence of views between Russia and Germany in this regards.

Lavrov: Russia Highly Concerned Over Increased Activities of Terrorist Groups in Syria

The Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov called for stopping all forms of violence in Syria as to create the appropriate circumstances for comprehensive political dialogue.

The remarks came in a welcoming message sent to the 39th session of the meeting of the foreign ministers of the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) held currently in Djibouti.

Lavrov added that “We are highly concerned over the increased activities of the terrorist groups in Syria and the escalated violence that is leading to more bloodshed and more casualties.”

In the message, Lavrov stressed that the changes in the Arab world shouldn’t stop search for solutions for the regional conflicts such as the Arab-Israeli conflict, reiterating Russia’s call to continue the Palestinian-Israeli negotiations with the aim of reaching a comprehensive settlement on the basis of the international law.

Russian State Duma: Syria Fighting International Terrorism, on International Mission to Confront Terrorists

Chairman of the Committee on Information Policy, Information Technologies and Communications at the Russian State Duma, Alexei Mitrofanov, said that Syria is fighting international terrorism.

In an interview with SANA on Friday, Mitrofanov added that Syria is on an international mission to confront terrorists who are brought from different countries, from Libya to Pakistan, to fight Syria.

Mitrofanov noted that “We are familiar with the potential that Syria posses and the ability of its army that is ready to achieve its national duties.”

He highlighted that the West and the Gulf states made the ‘Doha Coalition’ without the participation of some political forces, adding that “We know that there are some mercenaries from many countries in this gathering, the majority of them are mercenaries who fought in Libya and came to Syria later on.”

He said that the stances of the western countries are unmasked, adding that the West is no longer camouflaging its stances in this regards. He added that “Every one now knows the reality, we all should help our Syrian friends and work on foiling the western plot against Syria because the target after Syria will be Iran and then the former states of the Soviet Union.”

For his part, Head of the Georgian community in Russia/ Vice-President of the World Congress of the People of Georgia, Vladimir Khomeriki, told SANA that the current revolutions in the world are fabricated and pre-planned by the USA.

Khomeriki added that the Syrian people is brave and capable of finding the truth, expressing hope that the Syrian people will preserve the independency of their country and overcome the crisis.

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