In These New Times

A new paradigm for a post-imperial world

Saving Syria: Assessing Options for Regime Change

Posted by seumasach on June 9, 2012

This cold assessment by leading US think-tank not only debunks the media narrative but provides a chilling insight into the mind of the Beast. Here we learn that:

-the diplomatic solution is a regime change option. The US is engaged in “coercive diplomacy”

-they plan “crippling economic sanctions” to “wake everyone up”.

-they fear Washington’s policy may not remove Assad but only produce “a prolonged and bloody stalemate”.”The US might calculate that it is worthwhile to pin down the Assad regime and bleed it”.

-Assad’s survival would be a victory for Iran.

-France is singled out to be a member of a contact group in the worthy company of  Turkey, Jordan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia. This smaller group must replace the existing”Friends of Syria” group which is evidently divided over aims.

-“An Israeli contribution to the coercion campaign… must be carefully handled”. Israeli intelligence “could work behind the scenes to undermine Assad’s regime and bolster the opposition”

-they want the “Free Syria Army” to become the Syrian army under a new regime.

– backing the opposition in Syria is analogous to “bleeding the Soviets” in Afghanistan

-they are disillusioned with Turkey: all words , no action.

-“U.S. and allied association with the opposition  would make it difficult to walk away from them and  from Syria if, as is likely, they continue to suffer set-  backs or slaughter at the hands of regime forces.” In other words, they stand to be exposed if they don’t finish the job.

Middle East Memo

Saban Center at Brookings

March 2012

Read memo

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