In These New Times

A new paradigm for a post-imperial world

SYRIA, Vatican News Service refutes Western media reports

Posted by seumasach on June 5, 2012

Atrocities were not committed by the government but by armed gangs

Michel Chossudovsky

Global Research( source: Vatican News Service)

3rd June, 2012

According to the Vatican, the Syrian government is not responsible for the atrocities committed against civilians. Quite the opposite. Vatican sources  point to existence of armed gangs and terrorists.

“According to the “Syrian National Council”, which leads the opposition in Houla, in the province of Homs, 88 people, including civilians and children, were killed by the bombing of the regular army. Fides sources report a different version: the regular army hit Houla, where many Salafist militants and terrorists have found refuge, using civilians as human shields.”

“armed gangs out of control continue to rage and hit innocent civilians. Terrorists have blown up an Alawite’s house in the district of southern Rableh near Qusayr, always in the area of Homs.

The explosion caused the death of Youssef Airouti, injuring his wife and his son, but also Hallaq Shibli and his wife Niamat Saadiyet, a Christian couple from Qusayr, who found refuge in Rableh. Meanwhile in Homs the Armenian Apostolic Church and adjoining school in the district of Hamidia were seized and occupied by the Syrian military’s Liberation Army [Free Syrian Army], who use the buildings as housing and hospitals.”

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