In These New Times

A new paradigm for a post-imperial world

Hollande wants either Eurobonds of direct ECB bond purchases on the primary market

Posted by seumasach on May 10, 2012


8th May, 2012

Talking to the Francois Hollande replied to a question about Germany’s opposition to Eurobonds: “On this question we will have discussions with our partners and in particular with our German friends, but they cannot put into place two deadlocks at once: one on the Eurobonds and the other on the direct financing of debt by the ECB”. On his demands to stimulate growth the French president elect said that he did not aim at a Keynesian deficit spending program as he is committed to reducing the French deficit. Rather he was aiming at “putting into place instruments at the European level, which means increasing the capital of the European Investment Bank, mobilising structural funds and the financial transaction tax which would allow financing of infrastructure works. Also Europe could at last decide to borrow which is all what the Eurobonds or the project bonds are about”.

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