In These New Times

A new paradigm for a post-imperial world

Join our Glasgow Libya protest!

Posted by seumasach on September 10, 2011

Making Things, Not Breaking Things

Cailean Bochanan

10th September, 2011

And so we have started yet another war. Another war to topple a dictator as we call someone who wouldn’t bow to our dictates. Libya’s political system may not have been perfect but, by general consent, it served to advance the development of Libya and the welfare of its people. But it didn’t live up to our very exacting standards and, therefore, had to be destroyed.

Our political system is, of course, perfect. Well, actually, it is just about perfect from a certain point of view: it is a wonderful system for starting and funding wars and for transfering public wealth(taxpayers money) into private hands. You, of course, got to vote but did you vote for the bombing of Libya? You may even have voted for Cameron but, search as you may through Tory election leaflets and manifestos you will not find that ” the Conservative Party reaffirms its long held commitment to the bombing of Libya”, nor that “David Cameron will work closely with Al Qaeda, the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group and our other regional partners to bring peace and security to North Africa”. Did you vote to give £500 billion to bailout City of London fraudsters? Or to empty your pension fund by having them tricked by the rating agencies into buying “triple A” rated junk securities? Or to wipe out your earnings, benefits or savings through an inflationary Tsunami and a low interest rate policy which allows banks to borrow from the government for nothing and loan back to them at 4%? Of course, you didn’t. The simple fact is that our political system serves very well certain elite interests who are intent on monopolising all wealth and power through there own greed but , more seriously, because they have got where they are by largely criminal means and are driven to consolidate their power for fear of exposure and prosecution. They are locked in fast-forward, a headlong race to bury crime with more crime and cover-up with more cover-up. This is also why they are always trying to subvert the rule of law both domestically and internationally. Their deeds bear the stamp of desperate men.

Most of us are aware of a dangerous escalation of wars which, for some reason, we are always at the heart of. We are also aware of the depletion of our own living standards presumably to meet the inordinate, unaccounted costs of corporate welfare handouts and virtually non-stop bombing. These are frightening times which can drive us to  retreat into our private lives, but this is exactly what they want us to do, as we thereby forfeit all control over our own destiny. In order to defend ourselves, our families and the future of our children we have to reengage in public life. What has to be done is simple: we need to end the wars, re-establish the rule of law and return to a productive economy, centred on industry and agriculture, not parasitic finance backed by cruise missiles: making things rather than taking, or breaking, things. You know it makes sense.

Please join our protest against the invasion and bombing of Libya, 5-6 pm,

Thursday, 15th September, Donald Dewar Statue, top of Buchanan Street,

Stop the bombing of Libya! Defend International Law! Disband NATO!

6 Responses to “Join our Glasgow Libya protest!”

  1. morris said

    I have corrected some typos in your first paragraph

    And so we have started yet another racially targeted genocidal war.
    Another war to topple an inspirational leader who wouldn’t bow to our dictates. Libya’s political system was far more perfect than our so-called representative democracy (Whoever voted for this or any other war?)
    Libya by general consent served to advance the development of Libya and Africa and the welfare of its people.
    But it didn’t live up to our very exacting standards of debauchery and therefore had to be destroyed.

  2. seumasach said

    Aren’t you going to correct the rest?

  3. morris said

    I’ve been trying to here:

    Actually if you are “in the know” on this planned protest – perhaps you will make a skype interview with me – it will be much appreciated – and could set an example to others!

  4. seumasach said

    That’s a good idea Morris!- I really want to encourage others to take action. I don’t have a video camera though- maybe I can get hold of one- unless a skipe audio is good enough? What do you think?

  5. seumasach said

    I’m away for a couple of days- should be able to set something up when I get back on Wednesday. So I’ll contact you Wednesday evening

  6. jon said

    Are you joking? ‘ Libya’s political system was far more perfect than our so-called representative democracy (Whoever voted for this or any other war?)
    Libya by general consent served to advance the development of Libya and Africa and the welfare of its people.’
    But Morris, the people couldn’t vote Gaddaffi or his family out of power which is the reason we have democracies which might not be perfect but they do get rid of idiots. You seem to be advocating or supporting the fascist system that was imposed by gaddaffi on his people. And if the system is so brilliant and the west so bad, why did Saif go to England to be educated? And why did they use European banking system to hide their billions of monies stolen off the people?
    As for ‘consent’ I don’t think so.

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