In These New Times

A new paradigm for a post-imperial world

Voltaire Net has been shut down

Posted by seumasach on August 24, 2011

At this moment Voltairenet is online in UK with the most recent post on 23rd August- Lizzie Phelan’s blog is down.



24th August, 2011

Today a reader informed me about a shocking development in the crusade against those who think differently than the NATO-countries: Thierry Meyssan’s VOLTAIRENET.ORG (1) has been removed from internet!

. As I have informed you before in an earlier articles (2, 3) there are strange things going on with censorship on youtube dealing with certain NATO-unfriendly videos, like the one below:

Thierry Meyssan (4) talks about being threatened by the US because of his NATO-critical perspective. Now he has become so dangerous to the NATO-countries, especially France and the USA, that they have strafed his website completely. Please spread this news and comment. What are the NATO-countries hiding about what is really going on in Libya? Why are they silencing independent journalists?

If you take a look at Thierry Meyssan’s book ”Operation Sarkozy” (5, 6) you might get an idea why Sarkozy is eager to get rid of this man. In that particular book Thierry Meyssan claims that Sarkozy is in fact a former CIA agent, installed by the US. This might explain the sudden change in French approach to international conflicts since the coming of mr. Sarkozy.

Not only has been closed down, but the site of another critical journalist in Libya, Lizzie Phelan has been taken off the air! (7)

Please check if and is down in your country as well. I now have confirmed downs from the Netherlands and Germany. Portugal would be able to see, but Lizzie is down there as well. Please add your comments below after you have checked. Is NATO trying to hide something terrible that is going on in Tripoli, because of their introduction of the most brutal killers imaginable in the peaceful city of Tripoli?


One Response to “Voltaire Net has been shut down”

  1. waterput3 said

    Yes, I have noticed is on-line again. Lizzie is still down. I wonder what happened. I guess that it had something to do with the release of the journalists today. I sure hope that they are not going to leave the country. They were probably protected by anti-Rebel people.

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