In These New Times

A new paradigm for a post-imperial world

‘Bolivia will defeat imperialism soon’

Posted by seumasach on October 27, 2010

27th October, 2010
Bolivian President Evo Morales says his country will eradicate imperialism in South American region soon with the assistance of revolutionary countries.

“Imperialism dominated our country in all economic and human fields for years, but at the beginning of my presidency I tried to make fundamental changes and nationalize gas and oil for the interest of my nation,” visiting Bolivian president told Iranian lawmakers on Wednesday morning.

During his Tuesday meeting with the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Morales called for closer ties among independent and revolutionary countries, saying that strong relations between Iran, Bolivia and other nations can weaken global imperialism.

Addressing Iranian lawmakers in the open session of the Majlis (Parliament), Morales downplayed the US coup attempts in Bolivia, noting that Washington’s efforts to overthrow the elected Bolivian government in 2008 ended in failure and that the Americans only managed to succeed in their coup attempt against the democratically elected government of Honduras in the past years.

The Bolivian president hailed the recent movements in his country, which he said have contributed to the establishment of peace and freedom in Bolivia.

“In the history of Latin America, Bolivian people were always under pressure and were slaughtered, but in recent years we have had noticeable movements for the freedom, peace and support of our nation,” Morales added.

The Bolivian president touched upon Iran’s supports for the Bolivian people and government and said,” We are in need of Iran’s cooperation in all fields.”

The Bolivian chief executive, who arrived in Tehran for a three-day-visit late Sunday, characterized Iran as a great industrial state that has been victorious in its resistance against the United States.

Morales’ visit to Iran is aimed at strengthening bilateral ties and seeking more Iranian investment in the South American country. During his meetings with Iranian officials, Morales invited Iran to establish a stronger presence in Bolivia.

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