In These New Times

A new paradigm for a post-imperial world

What about the H1NI influenza fiasco?

Posted by seumasach on October 26, 2010

We cannot accept that the Commission still believes that there still exists such a danger. Then why don’t they remove the reference?

Even more unbelievable is that the criminal clowns of Britian’s medical-industrial complex are going to keep on injecting people.

New Europe

24th October, 2010

It is more than a year now, since the influenza A (H1N1) alert, declared by the UN Health Organization and followed by all the health organizations of the western world.

Millions of dubious vaccines were bought by almost all European countries, at a cost of hundreds of millions of euros, and then left to rot. As was proved by real life, the possible dangers for a pandemic were minimal, and the UNHealth Organisation lost in it its credibility altogether.

UNHO is now incapable of sounding another alert even if there is really a threat. In short, it does not exist anymore as a world organization, able and reliable to undertake such a task. As a result humankind is open to such a threat. It is not clear yet if it was overstatement or pure greed that led the UNHO dignitaries to such a prodigious mistake, which destroyed at the same time the Organisation they were supposed to serve.

It is difficult to understand however, why the European Commission continues to uphold the issue in its web portal, by a long reference to the “threat”, after it was proved that not only there was no real danger of a pandemic, but it is now crystal clear that the UNHO is being shown to be completely unreliable.

Says the portal of the Commission:

“The European Union is constantly working in cooperation with the member countries, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, the World Health Organization, the United States and Mexico in order to monitor the spread of influenza A (H1N1) and to coordinate a common response.

The influenza A (H1N1) virus is a new virus subtype of influenza affecting humans, which contains segments of genes from pig, bird and human influenza viruses in a combination that has never been observed before. This A (H1N1) virus is the result of a combination of two swine influenza viruses that contained genes of avian and human origin”.  We cannot accept that the Commission still believes that there still exists such a danger. Then why don’t they remove the reference?

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