In These New Times

A new paradigm for a post-imperial world

The Ultimate Payback for Culprits Responsible for Sneaking Mercury into Your Mouth? Put Them OUT OF BUSINESS!

Posted by seumasach on December 6, 2009

Dr Mercola

5th December, 2009

The missteps of President Obama’s two FDA appointees – Commissioner Margaret Hamburg and Principal Deputy Commissioner Joshua Sharfstein – could not deviate any further from the President’s stated mission.

President Obama previously explained that “exposure to mercury leads to serious developmental problems in children. The EPA estimates that every year, more than one in six children could be at risk for developmental disorders.”

Acknowledging that government coziness with industry could inhibit such goals, the president promised to halt the revolving door that permits officials to oscillate between regulatee and regulator. Curiously, FDA’s new commissioner, Margaret Hamburg, slipped into office through that revolving door.

Hamburg continued to hold Henry Schein stock options after becoming commissioner. (Henry Schein Inc. is America’s no. 1 seller of mercury amalgam.) Consistent with Obama ethical requirements, she signed a contract limiting her participation in actions affecting Schein while she retained this financial interest.

Then came her first test: a rule to determine warnings for amalgam fillings, products that contain 50 percent mercury but are deceptively marketed to the public as “silver fillings.”

Skirting the contract she signed, Hamburg worked on the amalgam rule, which now allows amalgam to be sold without disclosing to consumers that it contains mercury.

The FDA even pulled from its consumer Web site a warning that amalgam could cause neurological harm to children and fetuses, burying it on a Web page entitled “Guidance for Industry and FDA Staff” – a place no parent will look.

Dr Mercola’s Comments:

Some of you may not realize this, but President Obama, to his credit, is a staunch opponent of mercury in products, such as dental amalgam. However, his campaign promises of phasing out this toxic product from dental offices in America have been largely ignored by the FDA, where industry shills are again running the show, and working against public health for the benefit of industry.

As you may recall, I ran a series of articles on this issue back in September, asking you to get involved. Many of you did. In fact, the grassroots protest against this mercury ruling has been astounding!

But we’re not done yet…

Join in the Professionals’ Boycott of Henry Schein Inc.!

As explained by Charlie Brown in the above interview, the boycott of Henry Schein Inc has begun, and we are again asking for your involvement and support.

Consumers for Dental Choice officially announced the boycott of ALL Henry Schein products on November 16 – a boycott that will stay in effect until Schein announces it will cease selling mercury amalgam.

From all across the world, health professionals are now endorsing the boycott of Henry Schein Inc.

Health professionals include not only dentists, but physicians, dental hygienists, nurses, naturopaths, dental assistants, medical technicians, and others.

Mr. Brown states:

“We are boycotting all of Schein’s medical, dental, and other products. But Schein CEO Stanley Bergman can end it with the stroke of a pen.

All he needs do is stop selling mercury amalgam.”

We want to give everyone a chance to endorse this boycott. So please, spread the news and ask your friends, family, and colleagues to join in!

All that is needed is an email from you stating you’d like to add your signature.

If you’re outside the US, please include your name, plus city/nation.

I urge you to take this one simple step right NOW! It will literally take you less than one minute to take a stand on this important public health issue.

Together we can help stop the completely unnecessary use of this dangerous neurotoxin, which should NEVER be placed in anyone’s mouth.

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