In These New Times

A new paradigm for a post-imperial world

Scotland’s Water to be Fluoridated by Westminster Dictat

Posted by smeddum on August 27, 2009

Scotland’s Water to be Fluoridated by Westminster Dictat

David Mason


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

FLASHBACK: Scientific Study Finds Fluoride Horror Stories Factual

On the 24th of August 2009 a Statutory Instrument was used to amend the Water Act 2003, allowing the fluorination of Scottish water supplies (1,2,3).

Fluoridated water has been shown to reduce IQ, cause dental fluorosis, and has been linked to cancer and a host of other medical conditions(4).

Statutory Instruments are secondary legislation, that is laws which are passed by ministers and not debated in parliament. This is usually because the areas these laws cover are of an administrative nature. However, this law relates to the medication of water supplies. This issue is of huge importance and should have been debated in the Scottish Parliament, and not passed by Government dicat.

The passing of this legislation coincides with a £255m initiative by Scottish Water to ‘improve’ it’s water supplies which will disrupt the water supplies of people within the region for the next 24 weeks.

According to some sources, the Nazis and Soviets had plans to fluorinate the water supplies of their populations to keep them in a state of servitude and to accept the dictatorial government’s rule (5).

This new law forces Scottish citizens to drink medicated water supplies. This is yet another example of the rogue government instituting fascist laws designed to keep the average citizen in a state of ignorant servitude and debt slavery.

A meeting is to be hosted by Scottish Water on Thursday 3 September at 4pm in the DGOne Leisure Complex. ALL are invited to attend.

Sources Cited

1. – This Statutory Instrument ammends the document 2, extending the use of flourinated water to Scotland.

2. – This Statutory Instrument is amended by document 1 and when amended allows for section 58 of document 3.

3. – Water Act 2003. This Act of the Westminister Parliament demands the flourination of water at 1 mg per litre.

4. – Website with links to academic studies on the effects of flouridated water.

5. -This letter was received by the Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research, Milwaukee Wisconsin, on 2 October 1954, from Mr. Charles Perkins, a chemist.

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