In These New Times

A new paradigm for a post-imperial world

Iceland Protests Continue

Posted by seumasach on July 3, 2009

News Frettir

27th June, 2009

It is estamated that 300 people are gathered in Austurvöllur to protest the Icesave deal. The protests were orginized by the Voices Of the People. In a statement it says that in addition they are protesting the governments indifference in matters concerning homes and businesses and demanded that they start trying the white collar criminals immediatly.

Speakers are Helgi Áss Grétarsson, Lawyer, Guðmundur Magnússon, vice president of the Organizaton of the Dizabled in Iceland, Ólafia Ragnarsdóttir, the honorable president of the Actavistgroup of honourable dizabled, Þórður B. Sigurðsson, President of the Organised interest group of the Homes. Chairman is as before Hörður Torfason.

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