In These New Times

A new paradigm for a post-imperial world

Muslim terrorists or the Israeli connection?

Posted by seumasach on February 18, 2009

A group of Argentinian citizens lead by Dr. Oscar Abduri-Bini has issued a legal indictment before the Buenos Aires High Court against the American Jewish Committee and the prosecutors Nissman and Martinez Burgos for obstruction of justice.Nisman and Burgos have themselves issued a warrant for the arrest of former Iranian president Rafsanjani and other high ranking Iranians. This article by Bini and Petrosino contains some obscure references which I have been unable to illuminate but is, nevertheless, of the highest interest. I recommend that you read it in conjunction with the timeline which I have written in order to throw some light on this extraordinarily murky and convoluted affair.

Muslim terrorists or the Israeli connection? (AVIZORA)

July 2006

Oscar Abaduri-Bini and Jose Petrosino

translated by Colin Buchanan
See also:

Bush’s Iran/Argentina Terror Frame-up

Argentina has recognized, before the OAS (Organisation of American States) its culpability in failing to prevent the AMIA massacre in 1994 in the wake of the Israeli embassy bombing in 1992, as well as framing false suspects. May we ask who they “helped” passively or actively to carry out the bombings and which foreign interests they are covering for?
For his part, Menem “agreed with Rabin that it was the Muslims. Do you believe that?
There are international investigations alerting us to postmodern state terrorism, coordinated by Israel, UK and USA. This violence since the implosion of the USSR aims to promote a Holy War. It does seem incredible that on 9/11, the USA massacred 3000 black and latino “citizens” in the twin towers. But there are precedents in the history of the USA for this type of incident serving as a justification for war: the sinking of the Maine for the war in Cuba, passing through Pearl Harbour for WWII and the Tonkin incident for the invasion of Vietnam.
Horrific, but French, German and US investigations and lawsuits are advancing. Don’t take our word for it, as so many took the word of Menem and Galeano – google search for Philip Berg, Stanley Hilton, Reopen 9/11, Voltaire Network, Thierry Meyssan, Axis for Peace, Alex Jones, James Petras, William Rodriguez, Andreas von Bulow and others.
The comparative study of these bombings attributed to Muslims will help you to understand what is going on in Argentina.
Our investigation into the Israeli connection to both Argentinian attacks has been presented to the relevant authorities. How can we explain the possibility that Israel may have massacred its own people? For similar motives to those of the USA as regards its own citizens – we must understand that for “them” this is the prevailing method of making war. If they weren’t worried about 3000 Americans , why worry about 100 Argentinians?

Some mutter of “collateral damage” given that in the twin towers they killed people of humble social origins. In the Israeli embassy “care” was taken not to kill the 100 dignitaries who, only moments before the attacks, were discussing the Middle East Peace Process and most of the victims were Bolivian workers, a few Argentinians and some lower level diplomats.
Marcos Aguinis has concluded that if the AMIA bombing had been carried out with the intention of killing “important” people it would have been carried out at a different time.
Israel, UK and USA claim to be launching a war against terror, but they are launching a war of terror, invasions of other countries and torture. See the articles by Naomi Klein about torture in Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo. To Noam Chomsky we owe the record of the wars the USA launched with terror : the contras in Nicaragua and operation condor in South America.
Argentina has lead investigations into the implication of the military in the genocides committed in the 70’s but we are not “allowed” to investigate Kissinger’s role as “godfather” of Operation Condor. We shouldn’t go along with the notion of Argentinian responsibility alone for the Embassy and AMIA bombings.
Given that we accept that the Israeli connection is logical, can Argentina investigate it? Whoever tries, be he Mario Vargas Llosa[renowned Peruvian novelist] himself, will be accused of anti-Semitism. Israeli embassies issue such anathemas whenever a judicial investigation finds in a way which doesn’t correspond with their theories.
This harms the Argentinian people but especially Argentinian Jews. It is known that the Jewish lobby was involved in the cover-up; Jewish progressives have the denounced the complicity of the Jewish leadership in Galeano’s corrupt investigation.

In spite of the evidence, it turns out that Israeli involvement is just unthinkable. The same is happening to us [ Bini is Jewish- Ed.] as to the Americans who view with terror the possibility that 9/11 was the work of their own government.
9/11 opened the way to US militarism and the invasion of Iraq. In this way they accomplished the first coup d’etat against the most advanced democracy in the world. Today, constitutional liberties are suspended, thanks to the Patriot Act. A spawn even more monstrous than the Argentinian “Process of National Reorganization” of 1976.
Our investigation doesn’t lead us to defeatism since in comparison with the investigation into the Madrid, London and New York bombings we are further ahead.
We will advance still more when we question judge Galeano and Mr. Telleldin about what was negotiated with Eldad Gaffner, an Israeli agent posing as an investigator who broke national and international laws.
Would this impostor dream of planting secret evidence as was denounced by Unidad AMIA before the Ministry of Justice, recognized by the Federal Hearing and published by the Jewish paper The New Zion?
The judge who succeeded Galeano – Canicoba Corral – didn’t investigate the phony Israeli inspector, but, instead sent round SWAT police van, terrorizing our neighbourhood and demanding of us secret documentation of the SIDE[ Argentinian intelligence services], stolen from the court.
Interested parties and the media kept quiet about these documents but, nevertheless, they began an investigation as soon as we presented our case against Nisman. We don’t know why they made such a fuss about the video in Calle Libarona but said nothing about this documentation.
As with that video, the robbery is the least important thing. What matters is that it shows the lack of conviction of SIDE regarding the Muslim connection.
Like good spies they reveal indirectly, that after 12 years there is no serious evidence against the Muslims. The SIDE has quietly begun to abandon its servitude to the job of “planting” Islamic clues

What is the SIDE really hiding?

In our view, the intelligence services are hiding that which they are not permitted to show. If as ordinary citizens we can see, after an impartial appraisal of the facts, the evidence which leads to the Israeli connection, we can well suppose that the SIDE knows much more. But they won’t be able to reveal this until the conditions arise in which it will be possible to question the “ant-terror” strategy of Israel and the USA.

The predicted demise of Bush and the criticisms of the role of the Israeli lobby inside the USA ( see the magazine VEINTITRES Internacional, May and June 2006) create preconditions for new evidence to emerge and the existing evidence to be reassessed, in a way that could suggest Israeli/US implication in the cover-up and even in the bombings themselves.
The Embassy Ford van and the AMIA Renault Traffic are innocent.[ reference to the two alleged car bombs which it is now fairly clear were non-existent] It follows automatically: if the car-bombs are set free, the Israeli connection lights up. But these two car-bombs can only be set free if the Jewish community gives its support to the national government.[If there are no car bombs Israeli implication follows logically, but the sticking point is whether the Argentinian Jewish community can countenance such a possibility]
The Israeli General Zeev Livne “found” part of a motor and the Argentinian government and its judges collaborated with the rather unprocedural “discovery”. The possibility of an explosion within the building, as the Jewish intellectual, Gabriel Levinas, has pointed out, must be rejected because it would implicate those in charge of the AMIA building itself.
In the embassy bombing (1992), the Federal Police established immediately that the bombs were inside the building and requested of the investigating judge (Dr. Alfredo Bisordi) that he detain the delivery men who they suspected of putting them there. But, that same night Ron Gorni, head of scurity at the embassy, “convinced” the government it was a car bomb.
Not another word was spoken of it until in 1996, when a report by Argentinian engineers returned to spell out: “bombs in the building”

The report which reaped a whirlwind.

The Israeli embassy, DAID and AMIA launched attacks against the engineers and supreme court officials so they decided to have a debate between the proponents of the Israeli theory ( the car bomb) and the bombs in the building theory. The hearing took place in 1997, behind closed doors, and it was leaked out that the advocates of the Israeli theory lost.
The Argentinian victory against the Israeli theory was the last straw. Embassador Aviran’s bruisers went to work until the judiciary delegated everything to a special investigator.This investigator followed the lines indicated by the Israeli government and put everything else on hold. .
Just imagine the extent of the pressure exerted by Israel and the USA for a cover up, which Dr. Bisordi, now a federal judge, denounced (March 2002) before a legislative committee in the presence of Elisa Carrio[ opposition MP], citing abundant evidence of Israeli interference in the Embassy case. But what did we hear of all this from Dr.Carrio?
At the end of last year, we presented our case before the Supreme Court, bringing together all the evidence suggesting that the bombs were inside the building, denouncing the many and varied pressures exerted by the Israelis and requesting that the Israeli connection be investigated.
Are we engulfed in pessimism? No. In the case of the Israeli embassy the evidence pointing to the involvement of Israel is overwhelming; after all, even Menemism couldn’t destroy it. For this barrel of gunpowder all that is required is a spark from the media, a breath from the new court and the action of the executive. We encourage the families of the victims to return to the case and we suggest to our Bolivian brothers that they seek the support of Evo Morales.
The “Muslim” storyline was repeated for the AMIA attack; it had to be the Muslims because only they use suicide car bombs. Just after the explosion at AMIA the wounded, as was revealed in the judicial Hearing, were pressured into saying they had seen a Renault Traffic but the experts consulted in the days immediately after told the media there had been “another” explosion inside the building.

It was Jorge Lanata[editor of Pagina 122 at that time] who did the best job in questioning all those eye witnesses, who were supposed to have seen a car bomb but who, in reality, saw nothing.
For what raison d’etat did Israel and the US go to such lengths over such a long period of time to cover up what happened if their interests weren’t at stake.

The investigators into the attack on the Twin towers pose a question which follows from that one. Who benefited from these attacks? There is only one answer: those countries which define their foreign policy on the basis of a global war against supposed Arab terrorists.
Telleldin is worth more as a back up to the car bomb theory than he was as a finger pointing at the Buenos Aires police. There are elements in the case which prove the innocence of the Renault traffic.
Let’s not talk about the framed suicide bomber to avoid embarrassing investigator Nisman whose claims about him led to his being ridiculed by the journalist Hugo Pressman.
It looked for a while that the frame up had worked; remains of a Traffic had been blatantly planted and no one protested. But Renault reported that there was no trace of the body work grafted on by Telleldin so they were obliged to come up with another one. They searched painstakingly for this second van but they couldn’t conjure one up..
The cover up has been carried out by Argentinian canon fodder, but to our mind, it was the result of direct pressure from Israel and its organizations (DAIA and AMIA)
The Argentinian Jewish community, the largest and most prestigious in Latin America, with a progressivism gained in a thousand battles, find itself today intimidated by Israeli realpolitic which is being questioned all over the world.
Read the book which Mari Vargas Llosa wrote after his recent visit to Gaza (Israel-Palestine). You would think it was written by the bearded men of Hamas. If the liberal right condemns roundly what they are doing to the Palestinians, it is because we’re seeing the “Holocaust of the myth “ of a Disneyland Israel.
Our Jewish fighters, subdued by the fear of being called anti-semites can’t demystify the politics of Israel; fortunately, the same isn’t true at an international level.
There is an Israeli gulag, with dissidents like Mordechai Vanunu, Barry Chamish, Israel Shamir and others, who condemn and seek help internationally. In Israel the criollo Daniel Baremboim[Baremboim is of Argentinian origin] bears with fortitude insults and blows.
The loose canons, Blankfort and Chomsky keep up the condemnations. The anti-Zionist rabbis in New York boast of receiving acclaim in Tehran and claim that Zionist militarism itself is the biggest cause of anti-Semitism. Vargas Llosa invites us to get to know the life and the works of Amos Oz, Ilan Pappe, Meir Margalit, Claudia Levin, Gideon Levy, Yehuda shaul, Amira Hess, Benny Morris and Allegra Pacheco amongst others.
Why do progressive Argentinian Jews remain on the fringe of this global revolution within Judaism?

Perhaps one of the “benefits” of the Buenos Aires terrorist attacks was the subordination of the Jewish community to each and every policy of Israel.[the AMIA Jewish cultural centre was closely associated with support for the Middle East peace process and generally seen as left wing]
At the Mar de Plata summit, President Bush pushed for our support in his “Holy War”. Against those who wanted us to get into bed with the Americans, President Kirchner didn’t give way saying: “United against terrorism, but not just what you call terrorism, against that committed under any flag”
What was the result! A few days after Kirchner’s “no”, the US Zionist lobby, together with inspector Nisman and with the support of the FBI promised to the world that they had got a “confession” from the brothers of the suicide bomber.
24 hours after Nisman’s announcement the Argentinian government carries out the most brilliant intelligence operation in this story. An excocet was given to Rolando Hanglin[ the journalist who discovered that the so-called suicide bomber had in fact been killed in Lebanon] showing that the tall story of the AMIA inspector was as ludicrous as the one Telleldin told for a fee.. Jorge Lanata joked about the Nisman’s fabrications about Berro (name of the twice deceased suicide car bomber). And Hugo Pressman went to town on it with a humorous expose of the whole cock-up.
The intelligence services and our government can and must carry out intelligence operations against the manipulations of those who wish to cover up the truth. The Argentinian government can resist outrageous accusations and mud slinging, even in the face of Argentinian investigators, the upper echelons of the international Zionist lobby and the FBI itself.
National and international shame reached its peak when the family of the supposed suicide bomber told Hanglin that Nisman was lying. But the Zionist lobby returned to the charge immediately and this time it was worse. In USA Nisman got together with the leaders of AMIA, drawing them, as we see it, into the most nefarious of traps. A Jewish press agency based in Washington revealed this meeting.
To legal professionals , the profanation of legal principle and foreign interference seemed so outrageous that they launched a lawsuit against inspectors Nisman and Martinez Burgos, the representatives of the American Jewish committee and those of AMIA
An explosion of criticism against the Israeli, US, UK system of torture, terror and war is breaking out. Argentina with the weight of the progressive Jewish community thrown in the balance, must ride on this wave.
Argentina dares to take on genocidal army generals but folds up before Kissinger, scriptwriter of operation condor. Let’s not allow ourselves the same weakness when dealing with the AMIA bombings.
This is the beginning of the end of a global policy instigated at the end of the Cold War, characterized by coup d’etats in the USA and torture from Abu Graib to Guantanamo. This new world order, condemned throughout the world starting with the Arabs, passing through the Jewish democrats and even the Americans themselves, was prepared and rehearsed in our country through these acts of terrorism
Recently we have requested of Judge Canicoba Corral that he meets us face-to-face together with ambassador Munir Menem[brother of former president Menem who banned Abudara Bini’s film about the AMIA bombings], who by all accounts organised Monser al Kasar’s[ arms trafficker and CIA agent] tour of Argentina and who we denounce for the destruction of official documentation of the Casa Rosada[presidential palace]. We also request the same of C.Corach[minister of the interior under Menem] and H. Anzorregui [head of Argentinian intelligence under Menem].
To the representatives of the governments of Israel and the USA we ask that they emulate the mea culpa of Argentina to the QAS recognizing, in the first instance, that they obstructed the investigation of both bombings.
Jose Petrosino.
Aged 61, independent investigator into the Buenos Aires bombings and by extension, all the other bombings attributed to “international terrorism”. Electrical engineer, worked 22 years for the multinationals ITT and E.I. Du Pont in Nemours and with Grupo Radici as an industrial investigator. Retired in 1992 and lives in Lujan west of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Oscar Abudara Bini
Argentinian psychiatrist and investigator.

From: Dr Oscar Abudara Bini



Sr Director de IRNA en español

Dear director of IRNA en Spanish[ the IRNA is the Iranian national news agency]

Posiblemente usted me conozca, ya que su prestigioso medio, ha publicado un artículo nuestro sobre fuga de documentación clasificada. Junto a otros argentinos como el ingeniero José Petrosino, somos investigadores de oficio de ambos atentados. En ambas causas judiciales (embajada de Israel en la Corte Suprema y atentado AMIA), me he presentado, aportando las pruebas, indicios y hechos que a mi leal entender exigen iniciar la investigación de la PISTA ISRAELI de ambos atentados. En mi última presentación a la causa AMIA, aporté la lista de atentados de falsa bandera que los investigadores internacionales atribuyen a Israel. Posiblemente usted sepa que el investigador francés Thierry Meyssan ha abierto en su sitio la red voltaire, un link para los atentados de Buenos Aires recogiendo nuestro trabajo. Asimismo, este importante investigador francés, acaba de publicar el segundo tomo de \”La temible impostura\”, donde dedica un capítuloa a mostrar como los atentados de Buenos Aires, han tenido para Israel y los EEUU, la finalidad de permitir falsas acusaciones contra Hezbollah e Irán. (este libro se acaba de publicar en francés en París)
[Possibly you know me, since your prestigious media outlet has published an article of ours about the leaking of classified documents. Together with other Argentinians, like the engineer Jose Petrosino, we are full-time investigators of both terrorist attacks. In both cases(the Israeli embassy in the supreme court and the AMIA bombing)I have presented evidence which I truly believe demands that an Israeli connection to the attacks be investigated.In my final presentation in the AMIA case, I presented a list of false-flag terrorist attacks which investigators had atributed to Israel. Perhaps you know that the investigator Thierry Meyssan has opened on his Voltaire Network website, a link to the Buenos Aires attacks which recognise our work. at the same time, this important French investigator has published a second volume of “The Terrifying Deception” where he dedicates a chapter to showing that the Buenos Aires bombings had for Israel and the USA the goal of permitting false accusations against Hezbollah and Iran.( this book has just been published in Paris)]
Enterado de que por estos días, un grupo de periodistas argentinos visita Teherán, le ruego considere la posiblidad de informar al público iraní que existen investigadores argentinos con presentaciones formales a la justicia que sustentan fundadamente que:

-la acusación a Hezbollah e Irán es falsa
-que es mucho mas posible iniciar la acusación a Israel.
Sin otro particular, agradeciendole de antemano la atención que usted depare a esta carta, lo saluda con distinguida consideración.

[Having learnt that in recent days, a group of Argentinian journalists are visiting Iran, I would ask you to consider the possibility of informing the Iranian public that there are argentinian investigators who have formally presented a case to the authorities to the effect that:

– the accusations against Hezbollah and Iran are false
– that it is much more likely that accusations should be directed against Israel.
May I thank you in advance for your attention this letter and may I offer you my most sincere regards.]


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