In These New Times

A new paradigm for a post-imperial world

Iraqi Parliament Passes Temporary and Conditional Ratification

Posted by seumasach on December 7, 2008

27th November, 2008

This is a rough translation of what the Iraqi parliament has passed today with a very slim majority (144 MPs instead of the constitutionally required two thirds majority 184 MPs). The good news is that this is not over yet. This will make the law valid for the next six months until the Iraqi people vote on it in a national referendum.

Overall, and despite all the illegal and unconstitutional steps involved, I think it is great that we have a law the requires all US troops to withdraw from all Iraqi territories before the end of 2011. Let’s wait and see what the majority of Iraqis will decide in the national referendum.

Act Ratifying the agreement between Iraq and the United States on the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq and organizing activities through its presence and the interim 

Thursday, November 27, 2008 

The name of the people 
Council Chair 
based on what the council of representatives has passes and has been ratified by the council’s Presidency, and based of the provisions of paragraph (first) of Article (61) and paragraph (third) of Article (73) of the Constitution: 

the following law has been passed: — 

the law of Ratifying the agreement between Iraq and the United States on the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq and organizing activities through its presence and the interim 

Article 1 – the Republic of Iraq ratified an agreement between Iraq and the United States on the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq and organizing activities through its temporary presence. 

Article 2 – first – the (Convention on the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq and organizing activities through its temporary presence) shall be submitted to the Iraqi people in a national referendum no later than on July 30, 2009. 
Second- the Independent Electoral Commission shall organize the referendum in accordance to the requirements of the Constitution and the law. 

Article 3 – the Iraqi government is committed to the outcome of the referendum . 

Article 4 – This Law shall be published in the Official Gazette and is effective as of 1/1/2009. 

For the purpose of scheduling the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq and organizing activities through its presence in preparation for the temporary adoption of Iraq’s armed forces to protect its security and defend its territory. 

for these purposes the law has been passed

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