In These New Times

A new paradigm for a post-imperial world

Mumbai – Who Killed The Other 7 Captured Terrorists?

Posted by seumasach on November 30, 2008

29th November, 2008

Two British men were among the 8 captured terrorists in Mumbai. The 
Telegraph reported: Two British-born Pakistanis were among eight gunmen 
seized by Indian commandos who stormed buildings to free hostages, 
Vilasrao Deshmukh, the chief minister of Mumbai, reportedly said. british_men_were_among_the_8_captured_mumbai/ 

NEW DELHI  Three of the militants who attacked India’s financial capital 
have confessed they are members of the Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Taiba 
group, the Hindu newspaper reported today. terrorists-admit-to-being-members-of-pakistanbased-lashkaretaiba- jihadi-grou.html 

Two British-born Pakistanis were among eight gunmen seized by Indian 
commandos who stormed buildings to free hostages, Vilasrao Deshmukh, the 
chief minister of Mumbai, reportedly said. mumbai-terrorists 

28 Nov 2008 … US Assistance in Interviewing Mumbai Terrorists … 
Wouldn’t it be ironic if India sent captured terrorists to the US for interrogation? 

27 Nov 2008 … 2032SDMike, San Diego, tweets: Approx 25 terrorists 
entered Mumbai. Where are all of them? Approx 9 killed and a few captured. 

28 Nov 2008 … Mumbai Attacks Claimed by 50-60 Islamic Terrorists of 
Lashkar-e-Taiba … three of the captured terrorists who perpetrated the attack have… 

…attack on Mumbai with mass destructive bombs and AK47 Guns . it appears 
that Terrorists have aimed at citizens of UK and US and captured … attack-again/ 

28 Nov 2008 … Mumbai battle to flush out terrorists continues11-28-08 
3:38 AM EST … The Hindu newspaper reported that three terrorists captured … 200811280338DOWJONESDJONLINE000406_univ.xml 

They believed that their suspicion arose from the way the terrorists 
captured Taj Hotel and successfully identified two senior American intelligence… 

Two British Men Were Among The 8 Captured Terrorists In Mumbai

The London Telegraph 

Two British-born Pakistanis were among eight gunmen seized by Indian 
commandos who stormed buildings to free hostages, Vilasrao Deshmukh, the 
chief minister of Mumbai, reportedly said. 

The Foreign Office earlier said it was investigating reports on NDTV, a 
local television news channel, that the terrorists – who swarmed luxury 
hotels and other tourist sites in the city – included “British citizens of Pakistani origin”. british_men_were_among_the_8_captured_mumbai_terrorists_717723 

A Hindu newspaper reported early Saturday that three of the captured 
terrorists have confessed to being members of Lashkar-e-Taiba, with one 
of the suspects allegedly from Pakistan’s Peshawar area, and local media 
report that one of the captured gunmen was identified as Abu Ismail from Faridkot, Pakistan.,2933,458924,00.html 

28 Nov 2008 … India – Two terrorists captured are British nationals… british-nationals-reports 

The information was gathered from captured terrorists. … There are also reports that Mumbai police 
may have impounded the four boats allegedly used by the… 

The captured terrorists will wish they were dead once the Indian police 
get through with ….. “British-born Pakistanis were among the Mumbai terrorists, … born-islamists-amongst-mumbai-terrorists/ 

Mumbai attacks: Fighting goes on as terrorists hold out. Scotsman, United Kingdom – 1 hour ago. 
At least two of the captured terrorists were of British … 

28 Nov 2008 … BlackBerry mobile phones seized from some of the captured Islamic extremists… 
Mumbai attacks: British Muslims and terrorist attacks … attacks-Are-they-British.html 

At least two of the captured terrorists were of British Pakistani origin, India’s Chief Minister Vilasrao Deshmukh said terrorists-captured-but-mumbai-gun-battles-continue-86908-20932350/ 

UPDATE: Up to SEVEN of the terrorists were Brits and may have come from Leeds and Bradford where London’s July 7 bombers lived -Daily Mail. 
Another of the *detainees* is reported to be a Mauritian national and at least one of the dead terrorists was a Pakistani national. captured.html 

Police have captured one of the terrorists behind the Mumbai attack during the operation at the Taj Mahal hotel. He was named locally as 
Zakiruallah, a Punjabi from the Pakistan town of Faridkot. police-capture-terrorist-alive-claim-Pakistan.html 

Mumbai — While the fire breaks out again at Taj hotel. The Mumbai police claims that NSG (National Security Guard) has arrested one of the 
terrorist. The terrorist has been identified as Abu Ismail from Faridkot, Pakistan. terrorist-caught-at-trident-hotel-mumbai-police-3941.html 

Nine terrorists too have been killed and one captured, he added. A member of the NSG has also been killed, he said. He said the Mumbai Police had evidence to prove who was involved in the terrorist strike. terrorist-a-pakistani-patil_100124812.html 

Two British born Pakistanis were among the terrorists who killed 140 in the attacks in Mumbai Indian authorities have claimed mumbai_attack_british_men_among_the_terrorists/ 

Latest reports indicate that terrorists, about 10-12 in number in Trident, formerly Oberoi, alone, have made some ransom demands but 
Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister R R Patil said no demands have come from them. He said five of the dozen terrorists in Trident have been killed, while 
one has been captured and was being interrogated. Claiming to have some “vital leads”, the minister expressed confidence of breakthrough soon. terrorists-killed-one-captured/21/56/50202/on 

29 Nov 2008 … The bloody battle for Mumbai looked set to enter a third 
day today as … At least two of the captured terrorists were of British Pakistani … 

His name is Azam Amir Kasav, he is 21 years old, speaks fluent English, hails from tehsil Gipalpura in Faridkot in Pakistan. An ATS spokesperson confirmed that the man captured was indeed the one photographed by us. I_want_to_live_Captured_terrorist_Azam/articleshow/3772298.cms 

28 Nov 2008 … Here is an update on the Mumbai terrorist attacks. … The captured terrorists are from Firodkot near Multan in Punjab (Pakistan). 

28 Nov 2008 … Citing unnamed police sources, The Hindu newspaper reported that three terrorists captured Thursday identified themselves 
as members of the … terrorists/story.aspx?guid={E05AC526-D85C-403C-B474-154FF7503075} 

28 Nov 2008 … The Indian police denied reports that two of the terrorists who had been captured were British. Mumbai Police Commissioner Hassan Gafoor 

28 Nov 2008 … Two terrorists captured are British nationals: Reports … are now on their way to Mumbai to assist the Indian intelligence officers. … id=2e424b81-7858-43f8-98a5- b6a102eb8808Mumbaiunderattack_Special&MatchID1=4858&TeamID1=1&TeamID2= 5&MatchType1=1&SeriesID1=1224&PrimaryID=4858&Headline=Two+terrorists +captured+are+British+nationals%3a+Report

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