In These New Times

A new paradigm for a post-imperial world

With secret and silent support from India, Pakistan warns NATO and US – Pakistan will not allow foreign powers to violate the country’s sovereignty to pursue terrorists

Posted by seumasach on September 21, 2008

Nitin Shah

India Daily

20th September, 2008

India and Pakistan finally understand that they must keep the western powers out of the Indian subcontinent. The same western block of countries that instigated for the last fifty years to subdue India now face a new challenge. India and Pakistan will stand together to fight any foreign force trying to violate the nuclear South Asian sovereignty. 

“We will not tolerate the violation of our sovereignty and territorial integrity by any power in the name of combating terrorism,” Pakistani President said in his first speech to Parliament since taking the presidential oath this month. 

The president’s comments echo those of Gen. Parvez Kayani, Pakistan’s military chief, who said recently that the country would not allow foreign forces to conduct operations inside Pakistan. 

What is most interesting is the fact sources from New Delhi say that India has given stealth but unequivocal support to Pakistan on this. 

The United States maintains that Taliban and al Qaeda forces operate with relative impunity in tribal areas along Pakistan’s border with Afghanistan. It says extremists use those areas as a staging ground to attack U.S. forces and their allies inside Afghanistan. The U.S. military sent ground forces into South Waziristan this month without Islamabad’s permission. Several months ago, President Bush authorized U.S. Special Forces to carry out ground assaults inside Pakistan without seeking Islamabad’s permission, according to media reports. In addition, missiles fired from unmanned aircraft have targeted members of al Qaeda and suspected Taliban militants inside Pakistan several times this year. The United States is the only nation with forces in the region that is known to be able to launch missiles from the small, quiet and deadly drones.

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