In These New Times

A new paradigm for a post-imperial world

Thousands stage anti-war protest march

Posted by seumasach on August 31, 2008



DENVER (AP) — A column of people three blocks long, led by members of the Iraq Veterans Against the War, streamed from the Denver Coliseum on Wednesday in an anti-war protest march to the Pepsi Center, where the Democratic National Convention is being staged.

As many as 50 soldiers wearing army fatigues led the noisy but peaceful protest into downtown and toward the Pepsi Center as police and bystanders watched.

“We are the veterans! The Iraq War veterans! The anti-war veterans!” they chanted. “We are soldiers! Anti-war soldiers!”

Crowd estimates, generally around 2,000, were fluid as the group lost and picked up people along the way.

A sit-in was planned at the convention site.

Iraq Veterans Against the War wants Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama to agree to an immediate withdrawal of troops from Iraq. They also want full health care benefits for returning troops and veterans, and reparations to the Iraqi people for damage caused by the war.

The group sent a letter to Obama on Monday.

The protest march began after a reunited Rage Against the Machine ended a concert that drew an estimated 9,000 people to the coliseum.

Dozens of veterans, some in uniform, began the march in formation, chanting “She Wore a Yellow Ribbon.” It is about 4 miles from the coliseum to the Pepsi Center.

People on motorcycles and bicycles joined those on foot. Some people held signs that said “US out of Iraq” with red handprints and “No War on Iran.” A few had the numbers of lawyers written on their bodies in case they were arrested.

Behind the veterans, protesters yelled: “Troops out now!”

Jan Critchfield, 24, of Seattle said he served in Iraq in 2004, and after returning home, came to believe that the war was an “unlawful, immoral occupation.”

He said now that he’s back in the U.S., he thinks about what it’s like for Iraqis living with U.S. forces in their country.

“I just can’t imagine driving through my neighborhood at home and seeing a security checkpoint.”

Critchfield said he joined the Army at 17 without much thought about the implications.

Jonny 5, Brer Rabbit and Andy Guerrero of the Denver group Flobots were with the marchers, as was Raymond “Boots” Riley of political hip-hop group The Coup

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