In These New Times

A new paradigm for a post-imperial world

Mast Sanity Press Release 9th June 2008

Posted by seumasach on June 9, 2008



The Mañana Project”– Mobile Telecommunications and Health Research (MTHR)

No Action on Tumours Today


The Government has just announced a “new study to investigate whether the use of mobile phones is linked to long-term health effects such as brain cancer and neurodegenerative diseases” – coincidently the day after a Mast Sanity delegation again went to Downing Street.


The Government, Mobile Operators and the HPA seem determined to delay taking any action for as long as they can. We don’t need another long term study from the MTHR[11]. The time for action is now!


The long term studies that have already been carried out are consistent. Heavy users of Mobile Phones are much more likely to get Brain Tumours of one sort or another, as the latest study by Hardell et al confirms this. [1].


It appears to be that the Government is more concerned with keeping the taxes from Mobile Phones rolling in, than protecting the public from harm. If this sounds familiar, it is exactly what Harold MacMillan as Chancellor did back in 1957 over the tax revenue from cigarettes[2] – unbelievable but true, as many suspected for years. Is it the same situation now for Mobile Phones and their Masts?


The Mobile Phone Industry must be aware of the dangers and health risks themselves – one example being how, in 2000, The ECOLOG Report[3] (containing damning evidence of harm from Mobile Phones) – but paid for by T-Mobile in Germany – was not published at the time – it only surfaced quietly into the public domain several years later.


It is already untenable for the UK Government and the Health Protection Agency [HPA] to ignore the growing amount of evidence of the harm that Mobile Phones are causing. It was for this reason that a Mast Sanity delegation led by Trustee Yasmin Skelt delivered a copy of the BioInitaitive Report[4] to Downing Street in December 2007[5] and why she led another delegation to Downing Street on Thursday with a Letter[6] demanding immediate action from Gordon Brown.


Trustee Yasmin Skelt said “Brain tumours now kill more British children than leukaemia and now brain cancer is killing more British adults under the age of 40 than any other cancer.”




Across the World Governments, Media and Decision Makers are standing up and taking note after massive media coverage, such as Larry King Live with 3 Neurosurgeons[7], and ever increasing evidence of how Mobile Phones are contributing to at least two types of brain tumour, with world class scientists and doctors discussing the latest research. How many people, famous[8[9[10] or otherwise will it take before the UK Government wakes up to what is happening and takes action?”



Mast Sanity is the largest group in the country campaigning for the safe siting of masts and has links with related groups globally. We request and would welcome a meeting with the Prime Minister or his Ministers to discuss maximising safety from mobile telephony for the general population.


Again, Mast Sanity ask the Prime Minister to instruct the Chief Medical Officer and the Health Protection Agency [HPA] to issue warnings to the British public and ensure that Public exposure limits are greatly reduced immediately. Those responsible in Government will be held to account for their continuing lack of action on this issue, continuing to fail to protect its citizens from the health hazards of Electro-Magnetic Fields [EMFs].



The Mast Sanity Press Office can be contacted on 08704 867 807.


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